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“Sam!” Gabriel screamed, impulsively letting go of Castiel’s hand and falling towards his lover. Gabriel’s wings shot out of their confinements and wrapped around Sam, Gabriel pulling him against his chest and enveloping them both in a protective ball of his grace. They landed right as the hole was thankfully closing up and Gabriel hit the ground with a thud. Gabriel’s wings suddenly felt like they were on fire, and Sam was screeching in his arms, which caused Gabriel to believe that their wings must be changing color. Gabriel’s wings had burned like this only once before, and it was when falling in love with Sam had branded him with his favorite pink feathers. Ignoring the pain in his own wings, he sat up and rubbed Sam’s back.

“Let them out, baby, let them out.” Sam nodded and let out a loud grunt, his wings springing out for only the second time in his life. Not only Gabriel, but everyone in the room gasped. On Sam’s left wing, golden feathers were scattered about in a way that formed a large capital G. Gabriel reached out to touch the gold, awestricken by what had just happed, and Sam was unable to control himself. He came in his pants harder than he’d ever climaxed in all his life, it was instant and he fell over limp, screaming Gabriel’s name. Gabriel’s mouth dropped open, having never seen anything like that before, not even the first time they touched one another’s feathered appendages.

“Gabriel…yours too…” Dean whispered, pointing at his brother-in-laws wings. Gabriel couldn’t see the back of his own wings, so he looked expectantly back at the people behind him. Balthazar grinned.

“There’s an enormous black S on your left wing.” Gabriel poked Sam in the side, who was still hunched over panting.

“Sammy…touch the S on my wing, I wanna see if that happens all the time.” Sam sat up and wiped the sweat from his brow, turning to admire the beautiful raven colored S. He very timidly ran his fingertips over it and Gabriel let out a shrill scream in enochian that busted every window in the warehouse.

“M-My god….it’s like feeling your penis combust.” He panted out, gripping Sam for support. Sam nodded and cocked his head to the side curiously.

“Why, though?” Gabriel smiled.

“When I wrapped my grace around us to protect you…I felt your own grace trying to do the same thing…what were you…” Sam blushed.

“I was trying to do what you were doing. I didn’t want you to get hurt in the process of saving me from being sucked in…you’re my everything, Gabriel. My natural instinct is to do anything in my power to make sure you’re safe.” Balthazar chuckled.

“I knew it.” Gabriel’s eyes lit up with excitement.

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Balthazar nodded.

“Your graces reached out and physically touched each other, further branding you as each others. I don’t know how you two could get any closer, but I swear I hope you never fall out of love, there is no divorcing a grace bound bond.” Balthazar teased, earning sarcastic glares from both men. Sam wove his fingers into Gabriel’s.

“That would never happen.” While the two of them became lost in each others eyes, Raini let out a loud cry and very suddenly brought Castiel’s instincts back to the clawing at Dean’s arms point. Dean finally released him and Castiel ran to his daughter as fast as he could, jumping over the holy oil. The ginger girl handed her over and Castiel fell to his knees, caressing her hair and allowing his tears to fall. Raini’s crying immediately ceased when their grace reconnected and she snuggled herself into Cas’s chest.

“I give myself very good advice, but I very seldom follow it. I guess that would explain the trouble that I’m always in.” Castiel sang very gently through his tears, attempting to console not only her, but himself. Balthazar and Gabriel shot looks at Dean who shrugged his shoulders.

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