Chapter 11: Secrets Revealed

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PLEASE REMEMBER TO VOTE! I want to get my stories back up to the top 20, where they used to be. I am trying to get back onto my regular updating schedule again. For those of you asking about the length of Cali. Girl: I can confirm that IT WILL be longer than The Starbucks Girl. Thanks!

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~Bella's P.O.V.~

Inside was a yellow thick packet. It looked like a script. I lifted it up, to find dance shoes nestled beside  a ball of clothes. Emily danced? Wait a second..... I thought she did photography.

"What the hell are you doing?" I heard a voice ask. I whirled around to see Emily there. "That's MY stuff!" she exclaimed grabbing the bag from me.

"Why didn't you tell me that you danced? I thought you came here for photography" I asked her confused, and upset. "Did you lie?" Now it was Emily's turn to look guilty. "Why don't you sit?" I suggested. I felt this might take a while. Emily nodded, and sat on the stood beside me.

"I'm not a dancer.... Well I am.... sort of" she said. I raised an eyebrow confused. "I'm a 'triple threat'" she said using air quotes. "I like to Sing. Dance. and Act." she said. Emily..... Singing.... Dancing.... Acting? That wasn't like her.

"Wait, so your not here photography." I pointed out. "So what are you here for?" I questioned her.

Emily looked down for a second. She took a deep breath. "I quit my job in London."

"What?! Why?!" I asked totally lost by now.

"Photography just isn't for me." she explained. "I'm doing auditions in L.A. I found an agent located out here, so I decided it would be easiest to come out here" she said.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't know" she said. "When I was 4, I started to take dance lessons. I danced for 12 years. All through school, I did theatre and my school's glee club. When I turned 16, I got in a car crash, on the night of my sister's 18th birthday. I ended up breaking my spinal cord" she explained. I sat their, utterly shocked. "Luckily, the injury wasn't that serious. I was able to move after it, and there was no permanent damage. After that, I gave up anything theatre related. That included dancing, singing, and acting." Emioly's face was sad. "My sister died that night. Her friend had brought some alcohol to the party, and my sister's friend who was driving us, was drunk. I felt that..... if I danced..... I would imagine my sister. She was my biggest supporter" I could tell that she was holding back tears. "After you left for California, I realized that if you followed your dreams, I should to. Photography was just a hobby, not something I want to do with my life. So I went back into dancing. I easily found an agent that was willing to look for auditions for me. I wasn't planning on telling you like this. It's just.... really hard to talk about" There was a silence after she finished.

"So your not going back to London?" I asked, as I pieced stuff together in my mind. Emily just nodded.

"Yeah, i'm not. It's easier for me to do auditions, and hopefully land a job" she said. "I just need to look for a place to live and then-"

"You can stay here" I told Emily, like it was obvious.

"Aren't you.... mad?" she asked confused. "I sort of lied about my whole past...." her voice trailed off.

Cali. Girl ||Sequel To The Starbucks Girl||Where stories live. Discover now