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It had been over a year since Roderich and Antonio pulled me avay from mein Birdie vhile I shrieked und cried und essentially made zheir jobs impossible.

A lot had happened since zhen.

Zhe first zhing I did vas quit zhe Axis. I gave mein job as leader avay to Elizaveta, knowing she vould do a better job zhan me in mein condition.

I bought meinself an apartment zhat allowed pets so I could go zhrough vith Mattie's final reqvest to take care of Kumajiro.

It vas hard for zhe first few days. Zhe tiny bear vouldn't eat at all. It vasn't until I broke down in tears, begging him to accept mein food, zhat he finally did.

So, by now, Kuma vas back to normal. But I vas not. 

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