Gilbert (Epilogue)

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Months passed und soon it vas Christmas morning.

Ve vere supposed to be at a giant party at zhe Axis base in two hours, but until zhen ve vere enjoying a quiet morning sipping hot chocolate around our tiny tree. Only zhree presents sat under it, one to Kuma from Mattie und I, one for me from Birdie und one for him from me.

Kuma vent first. He ended up vith a little toy mouse he could chase around zhe apartment. He immediately batted it vith his paws like a cat.

"Jou go next." I told Mattie. I had first intended for him to go last, but zhe suspense vas killing me.

"Oh...Okay." Matthew reached toward zhe package I vrapped in red und vhite paper.

He vas careful not to rip zhe vrapping.

Zhat's mein birdie. I zhought happily.

Vhen he finally got zhe zhing open and vas holding zhe engagement ring in his hand, he looked shocked.

"Vell?" I asked. "Vill you marry me?"

"I-Uh..." He still looked like he couldn't comprehend zhe awesome situation.

"Maybe you should open yours first..."


"Um...Suspense." He explained. I could tell it vas a lie und I started to get nervous.

But I followed his instructiongs und unvrapped his gift to me.

Vhen I saw vhat vas inside I burst into laughter. He did too.

"I guess zhis means Ja." I said zhrough mein keseseseses. I took the second engagement ring out of its box und slipped in on mein finger.

Zhis moment, zhis day, everyzhing zhat had happened since Mattie's deazh und mein vishing on zhat star...It vas all zhe aftermath of one decision to start up a little gang called Zhe Maple Varriors.

Und it vas a pleasant aftermath indeed.

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