3. Bæs In Bærum

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Woww! 4.5K+ views?! 230+ votes?! 75+ comments?! Thank you all so much! I can assure you that I'm only getting started and the story is no where near over!
Bærum, Norway
17 Days Remaining

"I know you've never loved,
The sound of your voice on tape."

-Harry Styles (Little Things)

Liam's POV

"Leeyum!" A voice exclaims as they poke my cheek. I groan and seat their hand away. Go away, I'm still tired. "I don't care! We got some work to do today!"

I open my eyes and glare at the platinum blonde before getting up tiredly and trudge to the bathroom. No one deserves to wake up this early. Not even me. And I'm the biggest asshole on Earth.

After I fix myself up and slip on a graphic tee and some basketball shorts, I head outside and see everyone doing their own thing. Louis, Niall, and Zayn are having a three way chat as Lunas and Harry are chatting quietly.

I decide to approach Niall as Zayn and Louis walk away. "Hey Niall!"

"Liam, what's up mate?" Niall greeted as he gave me a bro hug.

"Nothing much, I was just gonna..." I trail off as I try to find more words to say. I can't believe I forgot what I was gonna say! Now what?!

Try doing things that'll remind him of who he is really is.

Good idea Harmony, thank you for being nice and suggesting something for once.

Shut up.

"So, um. Do you...wanna, go on stage? Maybe get a few songs rehearsed for tonight's show?" I ask nervously. Niall nodded and we walked into the venue.

Hours later, we're sitting on the stage as I'm finishing up Little Things with Niall, who still has yet to sing. "Niall, you've gotta sing at one point."

"No! Lunas said that I shouldn't sing because for one; I sound bad. And two; He said I might damage my vocal chords!" Niall protested. Well for one, that's mean. And secondly, Lunas must be trying really hard to see me fail. But it's not gonna happen. I'm gonna fight fire with fire.

"Well Lunas is an idiot, and I'm not Lunas, Niall. Just sing this part for me okay?" I respond. Niall blushes and nods.

"1, 2, 3," I started. "You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you. And you'll never treat yourself right, darling, but I want you to..."

"If I let you know, I'm here for you," We harmonized.

"Maybe you'll love yourself like I, love you," Niall finished. "And I won't let these little things, slip out of my mouth. But if it's true. It's you, it's you they add up to. And I'm in love with you, and all these little things."

"I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth. 'Cause it's you. Oh it's you, it's you they add up to. I'm in love with you, and all these little things." We looked in each other's eyes as we finished singing. My heart began to race once again as my face heated up. Oh no, not this stupid feeling again. I looked at him again, ignoring my racing heart with a smile.

"That was amazing Niall!" I exclaimed, patting his back.

"Thanks Li-" He gasped before closing his eyes and brought his knees to his chest, burying his face in the gap and rocked himself back and forth. Wait, what's going on?!

What happened?!

I-I don't know! Niall's having a breakdown! It's like he scared of something!

He might be getting some of his memory back! But don't push him too far!

"Alright Nialler, calm down," I said calmly, rubbing his back. "What do you see?"

"I see you and I, messing around on stage," He mumbled, still trembling. I gathered him in my arms, ignoring my increasing heart rate. "Zayn was singing his solo in C'mon C'mon, and Harry was teasing Louis for some reason."

"That's nice. What else do you see Ni?"

"I see-FIRE! We were all burning! I was surrounded by fire!'" He accidentally socked me in the face as he jumped up and started to scream. Niall gave me a murderous look as he dangerously walked towards me. His eyes were now a bloody red and a dark smile appeared on his face. Oh no. Red eyes, dark smile, pale skin. Oh wait, his skin's already pale. Oh my god, Niall is a vampire.

"Fire," He said in a very deep, satanic tone. Oh...he's possessed. Luna.

"N-Niall, you're scaring me a little," I chuckle nervously. The Irish native kicked my chest, forcing my upper body to the ground. He then leaned down to my level.

"Listen here Payne, I know what you're doing, and you need to stop," The possessed lad growled before getting up and moving away. I slowly sat up, wincing at the pain. Ow, what the hell
was that for? Niall slowly swayed for a few seconds before collapsing.

"Niall!" I cried weakly. He kicked me really hard! And he suddenly collapsed, of course I care about that, but that boy can fight.

"Baby!" I heard that voice yell as they approach us. Lunas takes the blond into his arms and glares at me. "You!"

"Me?!" I asked incredulously.

"Yeah, you! What'd you do to him?!" Lunas snapped.

"I didn't do anything!" I yell back. "If anything, you've possessed him, Luna!"

He gasps dramatically but smirks afterwards. "Look at you genius."

"This isn't over Luna."

"Please, if you keep interfering like this, it'll be over before it gets started. By the way, I'm not an idiot and you are the biggest asshole on Earth." Lunas kicks my stomach once again before leaving. I guess I kinda deserved that. I watch the couple move away, still lying on the ground, clutching my stomach and my cheek. Owww, my tummy hurts. Harmony, come here. I'm in PAYNE. I chuckle lightly. Haha, I'm so funny.

Do I look like a nurse to you?

Uh...yes? And some angel you are. Wasn't even here when I could've died.
And scene! I was gonna wait until next week to update, but seeing the amazing results of last chapter motivated me to upload again! I'm thinking about posting a new chapter or two a week, to make it easier, because of how it looks now, I say this story will have 40 chapters minimum.

QOTD: Should I write a Niam/Larry Christmas one shot this year? I seriously already have it outlined but who'd read it?

30 Days»Niam Horayneحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن