1. The Concert

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Paris, France
29 days remaining

"Little do you know, how I'm breaking while you fall asleep."
-Alex and Sierra (Little Do You Know)

I placed the floors anxiously awaiting for the doctors to reveal the fate of my two best mates. So much has happened since yesterday. Niall and Liam are hospitalized and we're not allowed to see them yet.

Ever since Louis had that phone call, he hasn't moved from the very uncomfortable seat in the hospital's waiting room. He fell asleep last night and hasn't woken up since. Up until two hours ago, Harry was sleeping also. They used each other as pillows, which one thought was adorable. It made me think of Perrie and I.

I'm not gonna say that I haven't cried because that would be a lie. I still am crying. I haven't cried this much since my grandma died. I heard my phone ring and answered it. I walked out of the hospital to answer it.



"I heard what happened, and I'm flying out to see you and the boys right now."


"No baba, I've made up my mind. I'm boarding the plane now."

"Perrie, please hurry, I need you."

"Zayn, I'll be there in ten hours at most."


"I'll see you later. I love you Z."

"Love you too princess." I hung up, only to receive another call. I looked at the caller ID.

Modest. Of course.

"Zayn, we have an urgent meeting right now. Get to the cafe in the hospital's lower levels. Harry and Louis are already here," I heard Harry Magee say before hanging up. Rude. I sighed before entering the cafe in the lower part of the hospital.

Harry and Louis sat across from each other, as usual. Magee didn't like when the two sat near each other because of Larry Stylinson. He was a homophobe. Simon however, was a very nice guy despite the know-it-all attitude and loved his musical artists despite their differences. But his position was under Magee. Magee took a seat next to Simon. I took a seat next to Louis.

"So what's happening with us and tour Mr. Magee?" I asked.

"Well, we have to make up two days of tour, so you three will perform tonight and two weeks from now for three consecutive days."

"W-What?! We're not One Direction without Niall and Liam!" Louis protested.

"Don't care. Niall doesn't have many solos and Liam has less fans, so I think you'll be just fine."

"You can't make us do this! We're all emotionally unstable!" Harry protested.

"Well get emotionally stable right now! So get your arses to that damn arena in two hours or you all are going to court!" Magee shouted red faced.

"Grr..." Louis stormed out of the cafe red faced.

"Louis wait," Harry started, going after his furious mate. I shook my head.

"Why do you do this to us?"

"We're trying to make you boys the best-"

"That's bull and we all know it." I slammed my hand on the table.

"Listen here bad boy, I am your manager and I call the shots around here. I can put you and your little buddies on the streets at any moment. So I highly suggest you shut your mouth." He stated coldly. I breathe deeply and walk away before I lose control.

30 Days»Niam HorayneWhere stories live. Discover now