4. Hey Angel (Part I)

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Unknown Area
10 Days Remaining

"Hey Angel, do you know the reasons why, we look up to the sky?"
-Harry Styles (Hey Angel)
Liam's POV
I sat up quickly as my eyes opened. I look around. Everything is dark. I...I think I'm back in this place again.

"You are."

I gasp. "Harmony?! W-Where are you?!"

"I'm right here Liam," I hear that voice answer. I turn around and the spot the girl I was looking for. I picked her up and spun her around.

"Oh my god, you're alive! You're not dead!" I exclaim. Some electric force shocks me, releasing my hold on the girl. "Ow! What was that for?!"

"You can't surprise people like that Liam," Harmony confessed. "I can't go with you once you leave to 2014. If you have any questions, ask now. We don't have that much time left together."

"So what now?"

"When you leave through that portal, you'll be in 2014. The band is on break from tour. Even though I'm dead, the reverse wish is still in effect. You have ten days left, I'm so sorry I couldn't help you enough Liam."

"Don't be. I wouldn't be where I am right now because you changed my wish so I had a chance," I said. "But why can't you stay? I need you."

"Liam, you don't need me. You became more independent and learned how to to work things without magic most of the time. I was sent to help you, not do all the work, and that's what I did. But," Harmony touched my forehead. "I'll give you the remains of the power I have left."

"What did you just give me?"

"I gave you the power of sharing memories." My eyes widened. Why did she never use this? "The reason I never used it was because I'm not you Liam, no matter how much I could possibly try. You're the one who experienced these things with Niall, not me. But don't expect this power to make anything easier. Lunas still wants you dead."

"Harmony, who are you?"

Harmony smiled. "I'm Harmony Payne, your aunt, and your father's older sister. When I was seven, I went to a friend's sleepover one night. That same night, a group of teenagers were going around people's homes, pulling all kinds of pranks and stuff. They eventually got to the house I was staying at.

"They had poured grease all over the front porch and threw toilet paper everywhere. The ringleader had decided to take a smoke while her cronies did all the work, so she took a match from the doorway and lit it. But she had accidentally dropped her match, which was lit, onto the grease stained porch before she could light the cigarette, and I think we all know what happened next." I cringed. Fire and grease really don't make the best combo.

"So you ended up here?" I asked in shock.

"Basically. I became a wish angel instead of directly going up to heaven. I was given three chances to help people reverse bad wishes, and you were my last chance Liam. My other two didn't make it. I'm glad we've gotten this far." A white light formed around Harmony. "It was great knowing you, nephew."

"Harmony, no!" I gasp.

"Liam, it's time. I have to go." Harmony smiled sweetly at me, a single tear rolling down her face as the light covered her figure.

"Liam, before I go, you need to know something. Niall does love you. He really does. He's being controlled by Lunas," She explained. I blush. "And promise me something."


"Promise me that you will love that boy with all your heart. Be good to him, yeah?" And just like that, the light disappeared.

She also disappeared with the light.

"Harmony!" I cried. Why did it have to end this way? I silently stood in silence, mourning. Then I wiped away a few of my tears. I had to do this. For Niall. For myself. For Harmony. I turned around and went through the door.

That's it for now! Leave questions, comments, and concerns in the comment section! Character Asks will be uploaded by tonight!

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