4. Confrontations

344 32 1

London, England
9 Days Remaining
Liam's POV

I approached the hotel door, Harry behind me. I knocked on the door. The sooner this is done, the closer I am to being finished with this mess. Niall having everyone involved in the wedding stay in hotels turned out to be a good idea after all. Not sure why he did it, but it works for me.

"Who are we visiting anyways?" Harry asked. The door opened and closed as soon as Harry looked up. Harry himself, turned around and tried to leave. Oh hell no. I grab Harry's wrist and kick open the door. I push him inside the room with me and slam the door.

"I don't give a damn what kind of beef is going on between you three, but we are talking it out right now," I said to Zayn, Louis, and Harry sternly. "Everyone. Sit."

The three obeyed, sitting on the couch. "Now how the hell did this start?"

Nobody spoke. They looked at each other uncomfortably. Was it that bad? "Lads, nothing's going to be accomplished by just sitting here. Somebody just talk."

"It was my fault." We looked at Harry in surprise. "I kissed Louis."

I gasped. "Zayn walked in and he saw us. I caused the downfall of Larry. I was the reason for the distant relationship I had with Zayn. It was my fault. All of it."

"Actually, it was my fault as well," Louis intervened, looking at Harry. "I...I kissed him back."

This time Zayn gasped along with me. "Don't do this Louis, it was all my fault," Harry said.

"No Harry. I have to be honest," Louis responded. "Yeah, I kissed him back and-"

"What?" Zayn nearly exclaimed in shock. "Is that why you were about to dump me? For him?!"

"No Zayn!" Louis argued. "Who the hell said I was dumping you?!"

Zayn stayed silent.

"Anyways, it was my fault. I, in a way, initiated the kiss. Not Harry."

"No actually, it was my fault," Zayn interrupted. "I was the cause of the friendships ending."

I sigh in relief. We're getting somewhere. "But most of it was still Harry's fault."

Spoke too soon. Harry stood up. "What do you mean by that Zayn?!"

"Nothing. I'm just saying that this mess started cause you couldn't keep your hands to yourself."

"Zayn, stop-" Louis intervened.

"Are you actually standing up for that asshole? I thought you were on my side." Zayn huffed.

"Babe, you need to calm down-" Louis tried to explain.

"Don't 'babe' me. We're over."

"Zayn, you're taking this too far-" Harry tried to say.

"Shut it Styles!" Zayn interrupted.

"Zayn!" I scolded.

"Why don't I just leave if it's all my fault?!" Harry argued. This argument is irritating me and I'm not even arguing. Honestly, I love Zayn, he's like my brother. But right now, he needs to shut up.

"No, you can stay here and steal my boyfriend while I leave!" Zayn retorted, storming off and slamming the door. Harry groaned loudly before sinking into the couch. Louis sighed before going after him.


"I know Harry. It's okay. We should go." I waited for him to stand up before we left the hotel room to leave the hotel.

It was windy outside. No sun, just clouds. Typical weather for a mid-May afternoon. I'm just happy it's not raining. Harry and I walked to a nearby park. Before we even made it past the arch, Harry stopped me.

"Hey, isn't that Zayn?" Harry questioned. "And Lunas?"

We stared at the two black haired figures, obviously in deep conversation. Suddenly, we were pulled behind a tree, Louis now in our presence. He shushed us before we could even ask why he was hiding. Everything looked normal as we continue to observe the duo. It all went downhill when Lunas suddenly whacks Zayn's head, hard. Zayn, caught off guard by the sudden blow, fell to the ground. Lunas then kneels on the ground where Zayn is lying, most likely unconscious, for a few minutes. What the hell just happened?

"What the fuck?" Louis muttered, confused and angry. I shushed him quickly. He rolled his eyes and continued to watch. Lunas stands up, and two grayish wings sprung from his back. Louis and Harry gawk as Lunas speeds off into the sky, leaving Zayn's unmoving body on the ground. As soon as the supernatural was out of sight, we rushed over to our bandmate.

"Zayn?" Harry questioned, kneeling next to him. He poked the black haired lad's cheek. "Zayn?"

Zayn's unconscious body turned into black smoke almost instantly, scaring all three of us as dissipated. What the hell happened to Zayn?! Harry glared at me. "You didn't tell me that he turns people to smoke!"

"How the hell was I supposed to know that?!" I argued. "He has magic Harry, he's unpredictable! Who knows what else he could do!"

"You two know about this crazy shit?!" Louis said angrily., turning to us. "Somebody tell me what the hell is going on, right now."

I explain everything to Louis as we didn't move from the spot where Zayn disappeared. Louis had a shocked look on his face when I finished explaining. He shook his head rapidly and he began to laugh. Uh oh.

"Louis, are you okay?" Harry asked, chuckling nervously. Louis didn't answer, but continued to laugh. It's a good thing that the park was vacant aside from the three of us. Because now Louis' beginning to scare me. "Louis?"

A sudden sharp pain hit me, a lingering sting resting on my cheek. Son of a bitch, that hurt! I guessed I kind of deserved that.

"What the hell is wrong with you? You've been in this 'alternate universe' for twenty-one days, and you didn't even think about telling us. Liam, we could've helped you!" Louis shouted angrily.

"Why didn't I tell you?! Look, not even Harry was supposed to know about this whole thing! You saw what happened with Zayn, and he didn't even play a part in this!" I snapped. "And how could you have helped me?! It's me, a regular human being, against a supernatural with fucking dark magic! It's bad enough that she took away the only thing that could match her power, but can also take away lives easily! Do you not know how stressful it is to know that not only do you have to protect yourself, but that you have protect someone else as well?! If I die here, I die in real life! If Niall dies, he dies in real life too! It's bad enough I lost Harmony, I can't afford to lose anyone else."

"Liam..." Louis trailed off, looking at the ground. He shook his head and turned around. "I...I think I need to go. I-I'm sorry."

"Louis-" We called out, but it was too late. Louis was running away from us.
And that's it for now! Vote, Comment, Share, all those good things!

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