Good Morning

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At First Night -part 1-

Nakira Renaia (pronounced Na-keer-ah Rin-a-ah) is somewhat similar to Karkat they both ar short by troll terms (though Nakira is a little shorter than Karkat) are of the cancer zodiac. Though Nakira's horns are wolf ear shaped and her hair goes down a bit past her shoulders. She had made a couple of friends when she moved to the small Altearnian town of Sburb after her lusus died she really didn't know any one there, obviously, the first person or I should say troll she met was a gimini troll named Sollux Captor who invited her to stay with him until she could find a place of her own. He introduced her to his own friends after about a sweep and a half Nakira found a hive of her own by the ocean and not to far from Sollux's hive eather.

Authors note: ok I'm really sorry that Sollux is so...not Sollux I really tried to get his personality right but I just can't

I woke up to the rather annoying sound of my door bell rigging. Grumbling tiredly I sat up rubbing the sleep from my eyes with a yawn. I looked to the side of my bed frowning slightly because the spot next to me was cold and empty. 'Maybe I just dreamed it?' I thought pushing the covers off my legs swinging them over the side of my bed.


I jumped startled by the sudden shout landing on the floor with a thump twisting my ankle a little as I tried to stand up. I put a small amount of pressure on my foot and sighed inwardly. It wasn't really sprained just a little sore. Wrapping a black robe around myself tripping a little over the strings as I opened the door of my restspriteblock.


I called rushing down the steps almost tripping again as I did so and hurried to the hive door "Ok ok I'm up what is the emergency" I said after opening the door and seeing my moirail Sollux. I leaned against the door for support my foot throbbing slightly in pain from the short run.

"Well for one thing you wouldn't anthwer your mobile device for three hourth, and another because we are thupothed to meet up with the gang at 2 and itth twelve thirty now" He said sounding more than a little annoyed. His arms were crossed over his chest and he glared down at me a bit. Dangit why am i shorter than every one!

"Sorry Solly I...went to sleep a little late last ok I should probably get ready you can come in if you'd like I'll be in the shower", I said moving to the side to let my friend in " Make yourself at home". I said walking to my restpriteblock bathroom to take a shower. "You at ath if I haven't been in your hive before 'kira"

Sollux decided to "snoop" around Nakira's hive, many pictures adorned the walls. Most of them were of Nakira and her friends one was of a group picture with Nakira, Karkat, Sollux, Nepeta, Kanaya, Gamzee, Aradia ,Equius, Feferi, Tavros, Vriska, Terezi, and even Eridan who was standing next to Feferi. In another one Nakira was hugging a large white howlebeast(wolf) lusus ,Nakira never talked about her lusus much and when she would it wasn't for a long time or she would just try to change the subject all together. Sollux shrugged and continued to look around, the walls of the living room were a dark red color which gave the room a calm feel. The couch and tv stand were black, the rest of the things in the room were a mix of that. A medium sized flatscreen tv was in front of the couch. He moved to the kitchen feeling bored. The kitchen was like the living room the walls were a dark red, but the appliances were silver. The counter tops were dark granite with mahogany cupboards. "Sully where are you?" I called "I'm in the kitthen, and I told you not to call me 'Sully'" He called back to her.

"But it's adorable" I said walking in the kitchen putting a silver cancer symbol necklace.

Sollux noticed the necklace and gave her a slightly confused look "Where did you get that necklethth?"

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