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At first night -part 4-



-last time-

Gamzee pulled back the blankets and layed her down pulling the covers back up. As he went to move away she pulled him back down next to her. "Stay."

"Uh sis you sure on that?"

Her answer was hugging him closer.

"Alrigh sis if you want me to." Gamzee laid down and Nakira curled up closer to him sleeping.

He pet her long hair lightly /what a wonderful miracle/.


-in dream-

It was like the last one Nakira was her ancestor, but this time she was younger than she was in the last one.

Aurora walked down the long corridor towards the ball "Are you sure this will be alright?" she asked turning to her matesprit, The highblood had only hours ago asked her to be his matesprit and of corse she said yes. Why wouldn't she? He was the most sweet, loving, gentle, kind troll Aurora had ever met.(my head cannon for him is that before he was the grand highblood he was a good person/troll) "Of corse it is, no one is going to do anything to you they wouldn't even try." her matesprit said reassuringly, holding her hand. Aurora smiled and looked down at her dress it was long coming down to her ankles. It was lavender with indigo swirls and vine patterns, her sign was on her chest of the dress.

-later on in the dream-

Aurora and her matesprit were dancing, he was twirling her around as they danced she was starting to get dizzy. "Ok ok highblood I think I need to sit down" she giggled holding on to him. "Alright the table is this way" he said leading her to their reserved seats. The huntress sat down next to him giggling still. "That was fun" she said giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Yeah it was, hey Aur-" the highblood was interrupted as he was called to the stage at the front of the room "Would the Highblood who is next in line for the throne please come to the stage" a blue blooded guard called from the stage.

The Highblood tensed and stood looking down at Aurora "Don't worry it'll be fine" she said smiling. He walked up to the stage standing next to the blue blood facing the stage. "Sir is there anyone who you want up here with you. The highblood nodded "Yes my matesprit" there was some wipers in the crowd after he said this.

"What is their name" the blue blood asked. The highblood turned towards the crowd looking at Aurora "Her name is Aurora Renaia Lavender blood and she has been the provider of all the fresh meat in this castle for the past 9 sweeps, she is my huntress. Aurora please come up here"

Aurora blushed and walked up to the stage standing next to the highblood. The blue blood gestured for Hb to sit in the throne on the stage he did as asked pulling Aurora into his lap so her legs were over one of the thrones arms. "The current Grand Highblood has passed, you are now and untill you die, The Grand Highblood. I am you guard Darkleer." he said bowing down on one knee the rest of the crowd fallowed. Aurora and THB watched in amazement "All HAIL THE GRAND HIGHBLOOD" rang out from the crowd.

Nakira heard a voice, but it wasn't in the dream. "This was when I first noticed a change in him, if I only knew what would happen in a few sweeps I would have denied his offer. I might have been able to save her and many others... If only I knew...

-End of dream-

Nakira woke up to the sound of foot steps downstairs she growled softly to herself "Tyzzah....Tyzzah!...." she called not receiving a answer and laid back down snuggling closer into the warmth of something(actually sometroll to be pacific but she's doesn't know that yet so shh) that was purring slightly./wait a minute.../ the lavender blood sat up quickly, or at least tried to. She was quickly pulled back down by a arm "what the?" Nakira looked up at the arm fallowing it to its owner seeing Gamzee. /Oook...why is Gamzee in my bed?/ she thought frowning trying to remember how she got to her bed and why Gamzee was in it with her. She shook Gamzee's shoulder softly trying to wake him up "Gammy....hey Makara....Gamzee" she said as she continued to shake him getting no response. The adolescent she-troll sighed when Gamzee pulled her closer to him. "Come on dude at least let me up...aaanndd you sniff me okay that's odd" Nakira mumbled as the highblood pulled her flush aginst him and seemed to sniff her neck and growl softly as if to answer her. She shivered at the feeling "Okay I'm getting up now" she said having to use every once of her strength to pull away from her highblood friend AND not get recaptured. Adevtually she got free and landed on her carpeted respriteblock floor with a soft 'thump'. After getting up and fixing her shirt Nakira left a note on her nightstand telling Gamzee that she was in the shower, and setting out a fresh set of cloths on the bed she went to the bathroom in the hallway out side her respriteblock making sure to grab a towel. She shut the door not thinking to lock it and hopped in the shower.

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