The Ancestor

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At first night -Chapter 2-

The Ancestor

Last time

Katina started stalking over to them "Cronus!" she called warningly.

Cronus imeaditly let go of Nakira "Vwait babe no I vwas just sho-" but before he could finish or Katina get over to them there was a flash of white as a large beast tackled Cronus growling and bearing it's teeth at the troll it had pinned.

Nakira looked at the animal in disbelief "Tyzzah?"


Nakira stood there looking at her lusus /but I thought she was She stayed like that for about 30 seconds before she realized that her lusus was trying to kill her dancestors Matesprit.

Tyzzah growled lowly speaking in a language only her grub (Nakira) could understand. 'What in the name of Alternia do you think your doing to my Kira." She was ticked off that this little player was messing with her baby and Tyzzah had a goodmind to tear him apart. "Tyzzah?" she stopped and turned her head towards the voice and imeditly calmed down seeing that her ''daughter'' was unharmed. Tyzzah growled at Cronus one more time before trotting to Nakira wagging her tail.

Nakira smiled and hugged her lusus which was quite easy because when standing Tyzzah's head came up to Nakira's nose. "Where were you?!" she asked burying her head in Tyzzah's fur like she did when she was a wriggler.

While Nakira was getting caught up on what happened Katina resumed her angry expression and marched over to Cronus and pulled him up by his fin/ear.

"Ovw ovw Katina babe ovw babe stop pulling on my fi- owv ovw."

Katina ,ignoring her matesprits pleas, continued to pull him along by his fin "I can't believe you did that AND almost got your self killed what the heck were you thinking!!!" she said and then started ranting at him like a angry Karkat.

Nakira petted Tyzzah's head grinning.

"Hey Nakira thhe ithnt going to kill me right?" Sollux said walking carfully towards Nakira, Tyzzah growled softly watching him.

"No your fine, Tyzzah it's ok he's my friend."

Tyzzah stopped growling glancing between Nakira and Sollux before walking over to a near by tree and laying in the shade.

"Kira why did your luthuth try two kill Cronuth?"

"Well my lusus happens to be 'slightly' overprotective."

"Tho thatth why the tried to rip him and almotht me apart?"

"Yep basically that's why, ya I know it can be problematic but it's not all that bad....just don't be sneaking into my hive."

"Why would I thneak into your hive?"

"You might have a death wish at the moment or want to sneak up and scare me, or there's the off chance that for some reason your sneaking me back home late at night." Nakira said the last part a little jokingly and Sollux raised his eye brow at her.

"Kira why would I be thneaking you home late in the nig-."

"Whose sneaking who home?"

Nakira jumped a little hearing her dancestor "Katina don't do that!" she said hitting her dancestor's arm lightly.

"Sorry N k but you know how much I like to tease you about stuff like that" she said smiling.

Nakira rolled her eyes and sighed "Ok whatever anyways did Cronus get hurt?"

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