Their Return

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At First Night-part 8-

Their return


last time


Tyzzah was carrying our stuff and I was walking. Kurloz and Karkat were on my left side since it was further from my lusus and there for a simi-safe spot.

The ground started to shake and the sky went dark. I stopped looking up at the sky fearfully. "What's going on?" I asked no one in particular.

"I have no clue" Karkat answered.

Celest started to cry and I tried to comfort her.

What ever was going on stopped. The sky cleared up and the alternian flybeasts started singing again.

-to her hive-

We were back at my hive when Tyzzah started growling. "What is it mom?" I asked as I opened the door. I looked in side and froze seeing a sight I never though I would see. Well at least while I was alive.

In the kitchen was my ancestor. And her matesprite. Who by the way was trying to apologize.

"Aurora please listen. I said I was sorry."

She just turned away from him which happened to be towards the door. She stopped and smiled at me. "Hello Nakira."

----this chapter------------------------------------------------------------------

I looked at my ancestor my jaw had already dropped. I closed my mouth and swallowed looking behind my ancestor to her matesprite Karkat was shrinking down at the heat of his glare. Clearly we had interrupted him. In all honesty I was terrified of the grand highblood, but I will admit it was funny how he was trying to get Aurora's attention. "H-hello" I said to my ancestor. She smiled kindly down at me then looked at the grub I held in my arms and froze her eyes going wide. Her face held a mix shock and anguish. "Ce-Celest?" she said slowly holding back tears. The highblood behind her stopped for a moment to look at me, or more precisely at the wavy haired grub in my arms. He looked like he wanted to cry. Celly looked up at them I knew she wouldn't recognize them, but I knew that she wouldn't. She wasn't the same grub that was hatched and raised all those thousands of sweeps ago.

I backed up carefully my back hitting Kurloz's chest. Aurora looked at him then to the elder Makara behind her. "Well that is a very strange coincidence"

"What is?"

"Your friend there looks like a younger version of my matesprite." she said frowning a bit. "Minus the stitches and skeleton get up of course"

"He ,in all technicalities, is." I said thinking about it Kurloz stiffing behind me being the center of attention at the moment. "Well sort of. It's kinda hard to explain".

My ancestor gave me a confused look but she brushed it off quickly with a wave of her hand. "Never mind hon, but I must ask. Where did you get that grub?" she asked frowning in confusion.

"Celest is my grub." I answered looking down at the smiling wriggler in my arms nuzzling her nose with mine making her squeal.

That didn't seem like the answer she was looking for. "No I mean who is her parents. Your not her biological mother. Any troll could tell if they look close enough. Besides your too young."

To put it simply I was surprised that she could tell. Considering the fact that me and Katina's DNA was exactly the same of course it was the same with Aurora, but that didn't mean there were differences. "That is classified information that I am not allowed to share due to the fact of relationships depend on it." I said motioning for my lusus to put the stuff I bought into the hive. "I must be on my way now. I do have business that must be done today." I said just noticing that the highblood standing behind my ancestor was giving Karkat a strange look "I know you mutant blood" He said to the youngest Vantas. Said troll looked like he wanted to disappear "No you don't I have never seen you in my life. Kira can we please leave now." He said quickly pulling on my arm.

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