A Bit of Sadness

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At First Night -Part 6-

A Bit of Sadness

Authors note:Also I have song(s) over there ---> some where you'll see them that I would suggest you listen to while reading, read on readers! And if you are reading this on the mobile app and can't see them they are "A dangerous game" I don't know who it's by but just add "lyrics" to the end and it should be the first one that pops up. And "Sally's Song by Amy lee

Katina stirred the stir fry she was currently making and put the lid on it. She let out a soft sigh setting the flame to low and called her matesprite. "Yes Kat?" Cronus said wrapping his arms around her and pulling her to him. Katina turned her head to looked up at the taller troll "I need you to go to 'Grubs R Us'" and see if the crib and highchair we ordered is in yet. Also I need you to go to Porrim's and ask her if she will help us find cloths for the little one." Cronus groaned and burried his head in his beloved's neck. "But I don't vwant to! Can't you go vwith me?" he wined

"You know very well that I can't. Do you want to leave the egg in the hive alone for gog knows how long?" The lavender blood questioned.

He shook his head "no..."

"Then get going"

"....fine, but you ovwe me." He said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Ok, now get" She said lavender dusting her face.

Cronus stole a quick kiss and walked out the door.

"That troll is going to be the death of me" Katina said smiling to herself; packing up what she cooked and put it in the refrigerator.


Katina was sitting on the couch watching Finding Nemo her egg in her lap when every thing took a indigoish tint. She froze her mind going blank.

'Hello Katina.'

'Kurloz what do you want?'

'Is that any way to greet the father of you grub?'

'Kurloz that was a mistake. It was a very rough month for me and Cronus and you know that.'

'You didn't seem to mind.'

Katina sighed rubbing her forehead 'Makara...you had your chance and you did nothing.'

'Kat you didn't tell me.'

'I shouldn't of had to!'

'Huntress now is not the time to argue...I...I just want to see my grub...and, you.'

'...fine...get over here.'

'I already am.'

'What?' Katina stood up looking around. She put the egg on the couch and walked to the kitchen.

'What do you mean.'

She suddenly felt the wall on her back. She "eepped" and looked up at the taller troll.

'Hello dear'

"Kurloz dont scare me like that!" she said hitting the indigo on his arm.

'There is no harm in a good scare.'

"You cant go around doing that. What if Cronus was home?I rather not have a fight break out in my hive because my matesprite gets the wrong idea. Seriously! *sighs* Makara you, sir, are one odd tro-"

Her sentence was quite quickly cut short by Kurloz kissing her.

He pulled away smiling at her 'You talk to much.'

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