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At First Night -part 3-

(I use his title because as far as I know he isn't called anything else, if someone knows another name for him please leave it in the comments)

-last time-

"Can I hold her?"

"Of corse." Aurora handed the now awake Celest to him a little nerviously..

The Grand Highblood held her surprisingly gently, petting her hair ,which you could tell would be as unruly as his, back away from her grey blue eyes.

"She looks like you."


*end of dream/memory*

Nakira opened her eyes quickly noticing that she was not in her own bed nor hive. She sat up looking around.

"Good your awake"

Nakira looked towards the voice seeing...


Her moirail "Hey Sollux" she said yawning "how did I get here?"

"After you passed out and Karkat was done freaking out, I brought you back here."

"oh, thank you."

"It'th no problem NK...what happened?"


"What happened when you pathed out?"

"oh...well..." Nakira thought of telling him about her dream, but decided not to /I'll tell him later/

"Um well I'm not sure to be honest..."

"Kk thaid that you didn't look good before you paththed out."

"I think it might have something to do with how me and Kurloz were talking."

"Kurloth? Whoes Kurloth?"

"Kurloz is Gamzee's dancestor."

"Oh like Mituna."

"Mituna? Oh ok ya."

"Ya... though thomething is a little off about him, but not in a bad way"

"oh ok. Hey Sol-" Nakira was interrupted by some one knocking on Sollux's hive door.

"I'll get it" she said starting to get up, but was pushed back down sounded by blue and red light "Sollux!"

"nope you are staying in bed."

"Sol I'm perfectly fine."

"Dont care your staying in bed" he said walking out of the room to the front door opening it.

"I uh came to see if Nakira was uh ok."

"Oh Hey Tavros, ya thhe i'th alright."

"Can I uh see her?"

((yes I know that Iv only introduced the guys but don't worry the girls will be here))

"Thure come on."

Tavros nodded and walked inside fallowing Sollux to the guest room.

"Hey Nakira uh how do you feel?"

"I'm ok thanks for asking" she said sitting up.

"Your uh wellcome."

"So has Vriska been bothering you?"

"No uh she actually apologized to me uh yesterday."

"Really? Huh...well I'm glad for you Tavy."

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