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At First Night -part 5-


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"Well fallow me then, right now we're keeping the egg in our respriteblock untill it hatches, also we still need to set up the nursery" Katina said walking through her hive to her and Cronus' room. She smiled when she saw her egg, it was on the bed in a nest of blankets. The egg had a unusual pattern on it. It was a swirl of lavender and purple.

"Cool Iv never seen that pattern on a egg before"Nakira said looking at the egg

" Uhuh yeah I thought it was odd at first but it's pretty neat as well"

"How long have you had it?" Gamzee asked standing next to Nakira.

"Yeah how long have you had thith?"

"Well about a month or so I guess, it should hatch soon. I wanted to keep it a secret untill the egg hatched" Katina said picking the egg up and holding it close to herself.

-end of ch 4-


Katina handed the egg to her matesprit "Cronus can you watch the egg please me and Kira are going to get you and the boys something to drink." She said pulling Nakira out of the room and down to the kitchen.

"Katina what was that about?"

Katina looked at her a bit sadly "Nakira I need to tell you something, it's important" her voice was starting to shake.

Younger lavender blood looked at her dancestor worriedly. "Kat what is it? What happened"

"I- I cheated on him" She started to cry as she said this.

Nakira's jaw dropped and her eyes widened "What!? Katina how!? When!? Who!!!!-"

Katina covered her mouth "Shhh! I don't want him to know. Gog if he found out I'd die"

"Ok ok sorry but im suprised that you would cheat"

"I didn't mean to ok. It was an accident. He caught me when the relationship was in a rough spot."

"Did you guys..."

"Yes...we did..."

"Well you did give the bucket to the drones, right"

Katina sighed and shook her head "No, I didn't think to. I was in a hurry to get out of his hive as quickly as possible. He contacted me a few days after that and told me that there was a egg...our egg." she started to cry a little again.

"..." Nakira couldn't think of anything to say.

"I went to his have and got the egg...it's here in the hive, and Nakira I was wondering if you could... Well...take the egg in as your own..." Katina said a little nervously.

Nakira looked at her confused "Wait so you want me to raise your other egg?"

"Yes, that is what I'm asking. I know it's a huge favor to ask you, but I couldn't trust anyone else."

Nakira thought for a moment then nodded "Ok, yes I'll raise it for you. Hey it's practice for when I have my own." Nakira said smiling.

Katina smiled with her and jumped up and down a little "Omg thank you sooo much Nakira. If you ever need anything just ask"

She said hugging her tightly.

"Katina I need air to breath. " Nakira wheezed out.

Katina let her go and apologized.

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