Chapter 1

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My life was perfect, or at least as perfect as life can get. It was my mom, my dad, and me, their only child. We always went on walks or had picnics together and everyday was happy. Then my mom died and SHE came into my life. My wicked step monster and step sisters. Whenever father left for business she made me clean, wash, dust, anything and everything! Then the only person who was on my side, the only person who wasn't wicked died as well. Now thanks to my father I'm stuck with my step monster and her wretched daughters! I can't believe this is my life now. I wish everyone would just go to-

"Cinderella!" Ugh, it's HER.

I closed my diary and tossed it aside onto my desk. Then, since I live in the attic, walked down 3 sets of stairs. When I got to the very bottom I headed straight to the step monster's room knowing she will already punish me since I took my time to get down here. I opened her bedroom door and before I knew it I was on the floor, clutching my stomach, knowing that it will leave a bruise for tomorrow.

"Well, you sure took your sweet time getting down here!"


"I should have thrown you out when I got the chance."


"You ungreatful little brat!"


I bite my tongue knowing that if I woke up my step sisters I would get an even worse punishment.

"Now go make breakfast for everyone or you'll wish you were never born. I sure do."

I quickly, but cautiously, scurried out of her room into the kitchen. Today I decide to make blueberry pancakes with a side of fruit salad, hoping that this meal won't give my step sisters a reason to complain about all the calories.

I'm getting ready to flip the pancakes when my step sisters come into the kitchen fighting over where to sit. It just so happens that today they want the chair closest to where I'm standing and they bump into me which causes me to burn my hand, but thankfully doesn't cause me to lose my balance.

"Oh, Cinderella I didn't see you there." Marie said to me feigning innocence.

Jade snorts." I still can't believe someone would name their child Cinderella."

"Yeah her parent's must have hated her."

Marie and Jade both started laughing hysterically and sat down pretending I wasn't even here. While they started to chat about which boy on the basketball team was the cutest I finished up with breakfast. Right when I set the food on the table the step monster walks into the room and sits down at the head of the table.

"Cinderella get me and your sisters some orange juice."

I quickly got the orange juice out of the refrigerator and three glasses out of the cabinet. I started to set down the glasses and when I got to Jade she tripped me making me spill orange juice on my clothes. Thankfully though I grabbed hold of the counter before I could hit the ground.

"Oops." Jade smirked along with Marie and their mother.

"Cinderella after you pour us all some juice you may be dismissed."

I poured everyone some juice put it away and went back up 3 flights of stairs to my room. My step monster gave my original room away to Jade since she was the oldest of the two and I got moved to the attic. My room wasn't anything special since all the stuff in my room I had to buy myself with the money I earned at my "jobs". So far, I filled my room with a small twin bed, a desk with a chair, an old computer, and a few books including my diary. I love to read so I'm really glad that Lincoln High School has a library. Hopefully this year I can save up to buy a small bookshelf. Before I went to my room I glanced at the clock and it said it was 7:30. So that means that I had 15 min. to get to school before they started serving breakfast. I'm also greatful that Lincoln High serves breakfast in the morning so I don't have to keep sneaking food into my room.

I opened the box filled with my clothes and pulled out an anchor shirt ( a shirt with a picture of an anchor on it ) and my favorite jean shorts. Then I quietly headed downstairs onto the 2nd floor towards the bathroom to take a quick shower. After that I dashed back up the stairs, put on my socks, slipped into my tennis shoes, grabbed my backpack, and headed down the stairs, out the door, towards the bus.

A Modern Cinderella Story (On Hold Because School Is Time-Consuming)Where stories live. Discover now