Chapter 9

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"Eeeeep, we're here!" 

About eight songs, four music arguments, and two death scares later we finally arrive at the mall. I would kiss the ground, but that would be unsanitary. Before the car can even come to a full stop, Alex opens the door and jumps out of the car. 

Alex loves the mall probably more than anyone else in the state of California, and that's saying a lot. Alex is really crazy about all things cute and fashionable. She's crazy, but I secretly admire her passion. She knows what she wants to do with her life. Since she moved here, Alex was always telling me about how she wanted to stay here and go to California College of the Arts and major in fashion design. The only thing I want to do is get out of my step-monster's house. 

Henry and I try to hurry after Alex. It's a battle between not wanting to lose our best friend and not wanting to break a sweat. 

I suddenly ask, "Henry, what are your plans after high school? What do you want to be?"

I realized that even though Henry is one of closest people to me, we've never really talked about either of our plans after high school. I might know Alex better than I know myself, but that's because she's the most talkative person in our group. 

Henry thinks for a minute, "I'm not one hundred percent sure, but the plan has been to go to San Francisco State University and major in Mechanical Engineering."

"Mechanical engineering? So you want to build stuff?" 

Henry smiles down at me, "It's more than just building stuff. I want to make something useful. Something that will make someone else's life a little bit easier." 

I ponder for a while, "San Francisco State is close to California College of the Arts right?"

Henry nods, "That's partly why I chose it. I'm sure that if I picked somewhere far away Alex would skin me alive." 

I laugh, "Yeah she probably would. I guess wherever I go I'll have to pick somewhere close, too." 

Henry eyes me, "Do you at least know what you want to do?"

I sigh, "I have no clue what I want. I just want to get out of my step-monster's house. I just hope that wherever I go my step-sisters won't follow." 

Henry smiles at me and ruffles my hair a bit, "Let's be glad that colleges have this thing called standards. I've seen their grades, and it's not pretty." 

"Oh, there you are! Ella! Money....erm I mean Henry!" 

Alex finally finds her way back to us. She always does, especially when she realizes that she's hungry. Alex loves the mall, so it's probably for the best that she doesn't have an unlimited amount of money. Henry works at his dad's bakery and I have my school jobs, but it's harder for Alex to make money since she doesn't have a car. Plus, Alex likes to stay at home and help around the house since her mom works a lot, and she seldom asks her mom for money. Luckily, Alex gets paid to make costumes for different school events like play productions, band uniforms, or some people just come to her for help when their favorite piece of clothing has a hole in it. This makes her okay money, but Alex only keeps half of it and uses the other half for emergency house expenses and to pay the bills. 

Alex links arms with Henry and me, "Come on slowpokes! Let's buy some Dairy Queen!" 

Henry rolls his eyes, "You mean let's have me buy us some Dairy Queen?" 

"Well, if you insist. I suppose I can be a good person and let you buy Ella and me some food."

Henry grimaces, "Thanks Toffee-bean, you're always looking out for me and my wallet."

Alex smiles, "You're welcome little hen. Now, hurry up! I want me a blizzard." 

When we get there I order a chicken strip basket with a chocolate shake, Henry orders a chili dog with a strawberry-banana smoothie, and Alex orders an oreo blizzard and steals half of my french fries. We eat in a rare peaceful silence that makes me grateful to have these two as my friends. Alex takes another bite of her oreo blizzard and then points the spoon at both of us.

"We're all going to prom together?"

Henry nods, "Sure."

Alex sees the hesitation on my face, "No Ella, don't even think about saying no. It was more of a rhetorical question or a way for me to not sound demanding." 

I rub the back of my neck, "I don't know if I'll be able to. You know how it is at home." 

Alex considers this statement then has a eureka expression on her face, "We can just sneak you out."

Henry gives an unamused laugh, "Easier said than done."

"Don't forget that my bedroom is on the top floor. Besides, Marie and Jade are going to be there. If they saw me there they would totally rat me out to the step-monster." 

Henry contemplates, "Wait, Alex what's the theme for prom this year?"

Alex's eyes widen, "Masquerade ball!" 

I tap the table with my fingers a few times, "Okay, but how do I get out of the house?" 

Alex puts her head in her hands, "Ugh, why does life have to have so many problems. I've got ninety-nine problems, and I don't need another one." 

We finish up our food and toss the garbage into the trash. Then, the mall became Alex's playground. I finally had to take hold of her hand, so she wouldn't run off without us. After five clothing stores, Alex swears that this is the last one then Henry and I can choose.

 We're  walking right past Scheels when I hear, "Ella!" 

We all turn around to see Will jogging towards us. I feel Henry tense beside me. On the other side, Alex is...getting nervous? I suppose Will can be a little intimidating, but Alex is usually never nervous around other people. 

He reaches us and I ask, "Will? What are you doing here?" 

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