Chapter 14

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Henry's POV

"Hey, Henry!" I quickly turn around and search for the person who called my name.

A pair of flailing arms catch my attention, and I try to push through the crowd of students that are heading for the cafeteria.

I'm almost within reach when I hear, "Why are there so many people here this morning?"

We huddle closer to the wall so we don't get trampled by the next wave of our hungry classmates.

"Why else would highschoolers willingly come to school early, Alex?"

Alex's eyes light up, and she quickly pulls me towards the cafeteria, "No way! It's breakfast pizza day!"

Alex suddenly halts which causes me to bump into her. I mutter an apology, but she's not looking at me. Her shoulders slump, and she trudges to our usual table. I slide onto the bench so I'm sitting across from her.

"The line is too long. By the time we get to the front, I'll be 80 years old!"

I roll my eyes at Alex's sulking face and pull out of my backpack three delivery boxes that each contain one slice of breakfast pizza.

I hand Alex her box, "Where is Ella anyway?"

Alex immediately stuffs her face with pizza, "Shy foe tone."

I dig into my backpack again and give Alex a napkin, "Try again without food in your mouth."

Alex swallows, "I don't know. I thought you would know."

My mind starts to wander to the worst places, and I try to push the thoughts away. I take out my phone and text Ella on Facebook.

Little Black Hen: "Ella where are u?"

Toffee-bean: "Ella!!!!!! If you were going to play hooky you should've told me!

The bell rings, and Alex and I stand up. Alex gives me a nervous look, and I try to give her a comforting smile.

"Don't worry, she could just have a cold or something."

Alex shakes her head, "She wouldn't miss school, especially not without telling us."

We walk to class in silence, and deep down I know she's right. Ever since her father died, Ella has never missed school. She'd probably come to school in her underwear if it meant that she didn't have to stay at home.

Neither of us enters as Alex and I approach the classroom door. I take one step into the room and then hesitate.

I look over at Alex, "We can check up on her after school, okay?"

Alex visually relaxes and nods. We enter the room and take our seats. I start shaking my leg, and all I want is for the end of the day to come faster. Most people may think that I'm overreacting, and maybe I am, but I have this feeling in the pit of my stomach that I can't shake. I never thought I would say this, but there might be a bigger trouble out there than that William Phillips, and if there's one thing I know about Ella it's that she's a trouble magnet.

A Modern Cinderella Story (On Hold Because School Is Time-Consuming)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن