Chapter 5

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Just like many other teenagers, I love Fridays. However, I may love Fridays for different reasons than my fellow classmates. The second that bell starts to ring, I head straight to the classroom door and leave the school building. I'm halfway across the school's front lawn to the bus stop when I freeze. I mentally facepalm myself. I can't believe that I forgot my backpack in my locker on the one day that I didn't finish my Algebra ll homework! I quickly turn around and run back to my locker while silently cursing at my stupidity and at my Algebra ll teacher, Mr. Monk.

I'm hurrying to get back outside, praying that I didn't miss the bus. When I turn the last corner, I run into what feels like a brick wall.

"Sorry beautiful, I wasn't watching where I was going."

...I'm so sorry brick walls everywhere. I didn't mean to insult you.

I push past Will, "Sorry not sorry. I'm gonna be late for the bus."

It doesn't take long for Will to catch up with me, "Sorry, I am sorry. You are already late for the bus. The bus left already."

I halt and turn towards him, "Are you serious? Ugh, I quit! Life officially sucks."

Will looks at me amusingly, "Come on beautiful. I'll be a good douchebag and give you a ride."

I open my mouth getting ready to reject him, but I hesitate. I start to mentally weigh each scenario in my head. On one hand, I could accept Will's offer and get back home in time to enjoy my few hours of peace before the step-monster gets hungry and the step-spawns of Satan gets home. On the other hand, I could walk home or wait for Henry to get done with chess club. I wish Alex was an option, but she walks home every day.

I give a slight nod in resignation, "Just don't kill me or anyone else in the street."

Will has a huge grin on his face and grabs my hand. The hand that I burnt this morning. Just as quick as he reached for it, I pulled back and gave a little yelp. Will's grin turns into a concerned look and he gently wraps his hand around my wrist.

"What happened to your hand?"

"What does it look like? I burned it this morning while making pancakes."

Will's eyes narrow, "But I saw you this morning eating breakfast in the cafeteria. You had a good helping of french toast sticks, and I don't think you eat more than I do."

I shake off Will's grip on my wrist, "Look, I'm not in the mood for this. If your goal is to bother someone I'm going to have to ask you to find a different target. If you meant what you said about giving me a ride then let's go."

Will stands there for a minute, and I begin to worry that he'll actually make me walk home. Then he turns around and starts to walk to the student parking lot.

Once we arrive at his car, Will spins around and clears his throat, "Beautiful, I would like to introduce you to a man's pride and joy. This is my 2018 Toyota Tundra. What do you think, isn't she gorgeous?"

I question my sanity in accepting Will's offer to drive me home, but I guess I shouldn't have expected anything different from William Phillips. I suppose it could be worse. I mean even though Will loves his car, I swear that there are some weird people in school who are literally IN love with their car.

"She's...really blue." I know less about cars than I do about fashion, and Alex would tell you that that's saying a lot.

Will gasps in fake offense, "She's not just blue! She's magnificently painted in blazing blue pearl."

Not being able to tolerate his cringeyness, I open the car door and hop into the passenger seat. Will hops into the driver seat and turns on the car. All of the sudden, the music from the radio comes on so loud that I think I broke an eardrum. I cover my ears, and Will immediately turns the radio down. If I didn't have a headache before, I certainly have one now.

I put my head in my hands, "Are you hard of hearing or something?"

Will sheepishly laughs while he pulls out of the parking lot, "Sorry Ella, the last time I had the radio on was last night. I was with the boys, and we always have the windows down and the music really loud."

"Why am I not surprised that you're those guys?"

A realization dawns on me and I raise my head in curiosity, "You know my name?"

Will gives me a duh look, "Well yeah. Why wouldn't I?"

"I don't know. I just thought you didn't know my name because you kept calling me beautiful."

Will lets out a big laugh, "Wow, you thought I asked you out without knowing your name? You do think little of me."

I smile and roll down the window, "It's not just you. I think I dislike the idea of you more than I actually dislike you."

Will's eyes dart over to me a second before going back to the road, "Should I take that as a compliment or an insult."

I shrug, "Take it as you want it. It doesn't matter what I say or what intentions are behind those words. My intentions don't matter, only what you think my intentions are matter."

"Well, this time your intentions do matter because I'm asking you. Compliment or insult?"

I pretend to ponder this question like it's the most complicated question in the world, "Hmm, for now, you can take it as a compliment."

We are almost to my house when I ask, "How do you know where you are going?"

"Just because I only, quite literally, ran into you this morning doesn't mean that I have never noticed you coming out of that house before."

I playfully widen my eyes and let out a gasp, "Is Mr. Popular aka Mr. William Phillips a...a...STALKER!!!"

Will rolls his eyes while trying to hide a smile on his face, "Almost but not quite. I'm not a stalker because you don't have any social media what-so-ever."

I put my hand on the door handle, "Thanks for the ride home Will."

He winks at me, "Anytime Ella, but I have to warn you that the next time you are in this car we are going to be going on a date. I mean, assuming that you don't find me a total douche anymore."

I giggle, "Maybe not a TOTAL douchebag. I upgrade you to half a douchebag."

Will fist pumps in the air, "I'll take it!"

"See you on Monday Will."

I get out of the car and start walking towards our front door when I hear Will call after me.

He leans out his rolled down car window, "I don't think it really matters what I call you. Ella or beautiful, I think both are who you truly are."

A Modern Cinderella Story (On Hold Because School Is Time-Consuming)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin