Chapter 12

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"OMG! Ella, Ella, Ella, Ella guess what!" I sigh, give one more push with my legs, and jump off the playground swing.

"What, what, what, what Alex?" I keep telling myself that as we get older Alex will be less hyper. I guess fifth grade is still too soon.

"The new bakery opens today! Let's go and buy some cookies."

I hesitate, "I don't if I'm up to it Alex. Maybe next time."

Alex's smile faltered, "Come on Ella, please. I've been saving up for this so my treat okay?"

I knew Alex wouldn't take no for an answer. We walk in comfortable silence side by side, but no matter what kind of silence it is Alex has to break it.

"If you ever want to talk about it I'll be here to listen."

I nod, but I don't say anything. I don't want Alex to worry about me, but she's one of the only people that I can be myself around. With everyone else, especially at home, I have to pretend. I have to pretend that I'm okay, that I'm happy, that I don't miss her all the time.

We stop in front of a glass door that's surrounded by glass windows . At the top were big, black letters that spelled out Dough Re Mi Bakery. Alex starts getting excited about what's about to come.

She pulls the door wide open and takes a deep breath in, "Honey, I'm home!"

My cheeks turned a little red. I love Alex to pieces, but sometimes she scars me like no other. The bakery was pretty empty, but Alex still got chuckles from an elderly couple, a college student, and a mom who's now trying to stop her child from doing the same thing. Sorry kid, but there's only enough room in this bakery for one Alex.

We walk up to the counter, and we look at all the pastries in the display case. Alex immediately chooses an apple fritter and patiently waits for me to make a decision before she pays for hers. I keep walking down the display case and look at every different pastry there is. Finally at the end, I see the one that I want.

I look up at the tall guy behind the counter, "May I have this one please?"

He gave me a kind smile, "Good choice."

Alex pays for our pastries and we sit down in a booth. I look around at the bakery. The walls are painted a light blue, and hanging from those walls are pictures of different places in California. However, the one hanging above Alex and me is slightly different. This one actually has people in it. I peer at the photo and see the guy at the counter, in front of the bakery. I suppose he's the owner of the place. I'm slightly surprised because if I saw this tall, sturdy guy on the street I would've never thought that he owned a bakery. On his right side in the picture stands a teenage boy, and on his left is another boy that looks about my age. They all have black hair, but I notice that the only one not smiling in the photo is the boy who is my age.

The ding of the bell that signals that someone has entered the store startles me. Alex looks up right as she's finishing off her apple fritter.

She licks her fingers and gives mischievous smirk, "Henry! What's up?"

I turn around in my seat and glance at the one that Alex is talking to. My eyes widen as I come face to face with the boy who's photo I was just looking at. He looks exactly the same down to his unsmiling expression. Alex keeps motioning towards us and doesn't stop until Henry is standing right in front of the table.

"Oh, you guys don't know each other yet. Henry this is my best friend, Ella. Ella this is Henry. He just moved here, and we're in the same homeroom."

Henry's eyes focus in on me, and I quickly find the floor very interesting. All of a sudden I feel the weight on the booth seat shift, and I look up to see Henry...eating my cookie.

I stare in disbelief, "Hey! That's my cookie!"

The once beautiful cookie is now a headless princess wearing a pink dress.

Henry shrugs, "It didn't look like you were going to eat it anytime soon. Besides, technically it's my cookie. I am the one who made it."

I try to snatch the cookie out of Henry's hand, but I instead accidentally knock it to the ground. I breaks in half and crumbs go flying all over the white tiles.

Henry hurries over to grab the broom, "I'll get it."

The owner of the bakery shakes his head, "Hen, don't be mean to the little lady."

The man motions for me to come over to the counter, "Here take this one. It's on the house."

He gives me a cookie bag, and inside is another princess cookie except this one is wearing a blue dress.

I grin from ear to ear, "Thank you."

I turn around to see Alex and Henry standing back to back.

Alex asks me, "Ella, who's taller me or Henry?"

I inspect their heights, "It looks like Alex is taller, but only by a little bit."

Alex twirls around, "Either way, I'm taller. Looks like your dad will have to call you little Hen now."

My mind instantly goes to the old folk tale, "Little Red Hen?"

Alex thinks about it and shakes her head, "No, there's nothing red about him. I think his hair makes him more of a Little Black Hen."

Henry rolls his eyes, "Do not call me that."

Alex gives an evil grin, "Whatever you say, Little Black Hen."

To make things even I whisper a secret in Henry's ear.

Henry smirks, "Oh I see how it is...Toffee-bean."

Alex playfully glares at me, "Ella!"

We all burst out laughing, almost at the edge of tears.

Alex is surprisingly the first to recover, "Well, since you know my nickname now that means you're stuck with us. You are now part of our group, and no matter what you can not escape."

Henry glances at me, "What's your nickname?"

I shake my head and give a sad smile, "I don't need a nickname. My original name is unique enough for me."

Alex gasps and puts her arms around me while pretending to console me, "Don't make my best friend sad, Little Hen. To be a part of our group, you have to promise that you won't hurt us."

Henry gives a sigh in defeat, "I promise."

When Alex releases me from her grip, I stick out my pinkie towards Henry, "Pinkie swear."

Henry looks slightly shocked at my proposal. When he sees that I'm serious, he bores his dark eyes into my blue ones. Then he links his pinkie with mine and completes the most serious pinkie swear that I've ever been in.

A Modern Cinderella Story (On Hold Because School Is Time-Consuming)Where stories live. Discover now