Chapter 10

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Will gives that stupidly, perfect award-winning smile, "Nice to see you too Ella."

My gaze stays steady and unamused, "Usually when someone asks a question it means they want an answer."

Will gives a playful bow, "As you wish my lady. Well, it just so happens that on this fine Saturday afternoon I had, as you Americans would say, a date with destiny. It seems like my date with destiny led me to you, Ella."

I pretend to think, "Destiny Abbot or Destiny Miller?"

Both Henry and Alex both chuckle beside me. Will looks at them as if he just noticed they were there.

He looks at Alex, "Your name is Alex, right?"

Alex just nods in response and doesn't say anything. This is weird, and I'm not just talking about the tension in the air. Lately, Alex has been going mute whenever Will is around, and I have no idea why.

Will faces Henry with a less gentle expression than the one he used on Alex, "And you're...Hunter?"


Will gives a little nervous laugh. "Oh, right."

The conversation gets very awkward very quickly. All of a sudden the two most charismatic and talkative people I know can't talk, and I don't think Henry is too keen on the idea of trying to help me salvage the conversation. I'm just about to make a most likely failed attempt at social interaction when I hear someone shouting from down the hall.

"Yo, Will!"

He practically runs up to us and gives him one of those weird boy handshake hug things. Ugh, boys are so weird. I look at our new company who I now recognize as Leonard aka Leo Wise. He is Will's right-hand man, or maybe it's left-hand man since he plays left tackle. He has short blonde hair and those baby blue eyes that a lot of girls at my school fawn over.

"Hey, Leo what's up?"

Leo shrugs and then looks over at me with a mischevious glint in his eyes, "Nothing much, but it seems like you've been busy."

Leo nods towards me, "Hey Ella Bella."

I swear everyone in this whole school has some dumb nickname for me.

"Hi Leo. How'd your Chemistry test go yesterday?"

Leo smirks knowingly, "Just peachy thank you very much. I got an A-."

Did I not mention that Leo is one of my best customers? He's one of my favorites because he's desperate. Leo isn't a great student, but he is a great football player. I'm definitely not the first person that Leo has paid, but I am the only one who seems to keep their mouth shut about my little business. If the teachers were to find out they wouldn't be able to really do anything about it since I'm not actually giving out answers. I wouldn't even be in this business if teachers told you what you needed to know. Most of the teachers have really long chapter review worksheets even if only half of the information is going to be on the test. I can slide past the teachers, but Will is a whole different story.

Will narrows his eyes in suspicion, "A- in Chemistry? Leo, you better not be paying for test answers again."

Leo holds up both his hands innocently, "Me? I would never-"

"Or stealing tests, cheating, copying answers down, etc."

"Oh come on Will. I'm not that stupid, especially after what happened to Mark. I'm actually studying. Do you want to see my notes?"

Ah, Mark. He stole the test key, and he would've probably gotten away with it. Unfortunately, he decided to be an imbecile and sell other people the test answers while he had it.

I mumble under my breath, "Amateur."

Leo turns his gaze back to me, "So Ella, I see that not even you could resist Will's charms."

I roll my eyes, "In his dreams."

He pats Will's shoulder, "Come on Ella, I saw you and my boy together after school. Be honest, he hooked you with his fancy car. Classic Will."

Will shrugs Leo's hand off, "Stop dude, I was just taking Ella home."

Leo's eyes darkened. Oh great, this is what I like to call douchebag mode.

"Her place or your place?"

"Back off Leo."

"Chill out Will. I'm just pushing your buttons since you undid hers."

At this Henry steps in, "Why don't you get lost, Leo?"

Leo raises an eyebrow, "Did little Hunter forget his place. This doesn't concern you. Leave this discussion to the men."

With that, I take Henry's car keys out of his pocket and go towards the parking lot with a still silent Alex in tow.

I'm not even five feet away when Leo decides to break my last straw, "Aw princess don't leave yet. Once I'm done over here you and me can have some fun. Your little friend can tag along, too."

I freeze. Then I whirl around and stomp up to him until I'm only a few inches from him. Without even thinking I lift my hand up in the air.


I lower my voice, "Don't even think for one second that I'm a pushover, Leo. You may be my best customer, but I only love your money and not you. Never mess with any of my friends again or else I'll make sure that all of that A- money is for nothing, and we both know that one more slip up and you can kiss goodbye to football and that scholarship money."

Leo gulps, and I start walking back towards the car, "Henry, if you don't follow me this time I'm going to leave your sorry butt at the mall."

A Modern Cinderella Story (On Hold Because School Is Time-Consuming)Where stories live. Discover now