Chapter 15

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This has been happening for the past 10 minutes, and I know for a fact that it's Henry. He probably thought it was strange that I didn't come to school without telling him or Alex and came to check on me. However, the constant plinking that's giving me hope is also giving me a migraine.

I sigh. What is going to happen now? I'm too far away from the window, and
I can't do anything that'll alert my stepfamily. I don't know if my stepmonster would hurt Henry, but I would rather stay here than find out.

The plinking noise stops, and my heart begins to sink. A mix of relief and dread flood through me. I want Henry to be safe, but I don't how I'll get out of this predicament without help. Something wet falls on to my cheek. I realize that it's my tears. I sense of exhaustion and hopelessness washes over me.

"Please, don't leave me," I whisper.

My head snaps up at the sound of the window opening. I let out a cry of relief when I see Henry. He climbs in through the window and is by my side in an instant. He cups my face with his hands and brushes away my tears with his thumbs. Alex appears on the other side of me and takes a bobby pin out of her hair. I don't know how she does it, but after about a minute of fiddling with the handcuffs, I'm finally free. 

I try to stand up, but I stumble and land hard on the floor. We all tense up and feel the urge to hurry before someone comes upstairs. Henry gently but firmly grabs my arm and helps me to my feet. Alex is the first one out the window and down the ladder. I quickly follow, my will to live trumping my fear of heights. When we reach the ground, Henry squats and motions for me to get on his back. 

I shake my head, "I-"

I cough from my dry throat and try again, "I can walk."

Henry looks away from me, "But I need you to run."

My stubbornness gave out, and I climbed onto Henry's back. 

Henry gets up with a huff, "Hold on tight."

Henry and Alex make a beeline straight for the car that they parked a block away from the house. Henry drops me off in the passenger seat, and he hops into the driver seat. He quickly starts the car, and then we are racing down the street, away from that...prison. 

The car ride is filled with the sounds of our heavy breathing. After ten minutes, Alex is the one to break the silence.

"Here." She hands me a bottle of water and a box that contains a slice of breakfast pizza. 

I take a sip of water, "Thanks."

Alex tries to give me her best smile, "Geez, I'm really out of shape. Guess I should've tried more in P.E." 

I give a sad smile, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause so much trouble." 

Alex leans forward and gives my shoulder a squeeze, "That's what friends are for."

She leans back in her seat finally relaxing, "Besides it's only trouble if we get caught."

I genuinely giggle and turn my attention on Henry. His eyes meet mine, and he lets out a breathe of relief. 

Henry glances at the rearview mirror, "So where are we heading?"

Before I can reply my stomach lets out a low loud grumble. I look down and pat my stomach. 

Henry chuckles, "My house it is."

A Modern Cinderella Story (On Hold Because School Is Time-Consuming)Where stories live. Discover now