Chapter 11

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I make sure to slam the car door nice enough to not feel guilty about damaging it but hard enough to make a point. 

Henry slides into the driver's seat beside me, "Sorry?"

I turn on him, "Seriously Henry? Do you even know what you're sorry for?"

I look at Alex in the rearview mirror, "And you! Is your mouth not working or something? You totally clammed up back there."

Alex stares out the window, "Or something."

Henry starts the car and pulls out of the parking lot, "I honestly, don't believe I did anything wrong. I also can't believe that you slapped Leo Wise right in the face. Our little princess has some fire still left in her." 

"Unfortunately, the fire is going to have to be put out. Smokey Bear would've wanted it that way." 

My adrenaline is fast to leave me and is soon replaces by exhaustion and a little bit of embarrassment. I lean my head against the cool glass and tell myself that I'm only going to rest my eyes for a little while. 


Alex's POV

I tear my eyes away from the outside scenery and lean over to glance at my sleeping best friend. Now, I promise that I'm not a creep, but I like a sleeping Ella. She doesn't look exactly peaceful or like she's found nirvana or anything, but those seemingly permanent worry lines on her forehead go away. 

"Hey Alex? Why don't you put on a seatbelt, and while you're at it tell me what really happened at the mall."

I snicker, "You're no fun, Hen. Why don't you beat around the bush once in a while?"

Henry's eyes never leave the road, "Because we already have someone who does that enough." 

All amusement leaves the conversation, "I don't know. It's just...hard. It's just...Will."

Henry jaw tenses, "Do you like him?"

I sigh, "I don't know, Hen! Either way, it's obvious that he's into Ella."

"Why do you even like him?"

I give a short laugh that holds no amusement, "Ironic huh? A girl who comes from nothing is interested in a guy who comes from everything." 

Hen pauses before speaking, "Is this applying to you or to Ella?"

I peer over at Ella again, "Take your pick."

"Don't worry, Ella would never fall for him." I can tell that Henry said that with false confidence. 

"Maybe...or maybe not. Someday, someone is going to sweep Ella off her feet. If you want that someone to be you then you need to do or say something, Henry."

The idea comes to me, and I snap my fingers, "I got it! Why don't you take Ella to prom?"

"I thought we were already going to prom."

I shake my head at his density, "No, I mean just you and Ella. You should ask her out and be her date."

Even without looking at him, I can tell he's rolling his eyes at my brilliant suggestion. 

I throw my hands up in defeat, "Fine, whatever! You can just be alone for the rest of your life. That's fine with me. Honestly, Henry sometimes I don't get you. I mean I usually don't get you and your chess club, but right now I really don't get you. You like her. You've liked her since you guys were kids, but you won't take a chance and ask her out."

Henry clicks his tongue, "I could say the same to you Toffee-bean. A little hypocritical of you."

"Oh, society is hypocritical."


I try to not get too riled up, "But seriously Hen. I would rather see Ella with you than with some other guy I barely know, and I'm not just saying that because I like Will. If there's one thing that I'm sure about, it's that you want the best for Ella. I know that you don't want to ruin your friendship, but if she got a boyfriend could you honestly say that your friendship wouldn't change over that anyway?" 

At this Henry says nothing, and I know that I just left him with something to think about before Ella wakes up. That should give him plenty of time because Ella sleeping is like hibernating. Henry drops me off at my house, and I watch him drive off and take a turn in the opposite direction of Ella's house. I immediately know that he's going to drive around a little while, so Ella can sleep instead of going straight to her house. 

I walk into my house and am welcomed by a familiar silence. On the fridge is a sticky note that reads There's easy mac in the pantry  ~xoxo Mom. I make my dinner, take a shower, and walk into my beige colored room. I plop on my bed and stare right at the free "Just Be Yourself" poster that I won from a library raffle. 

Just be yourself. How can you be yourself if you don't know who that is? I know Ella secretly admires that I know what I want to do in life, but she doesn't know that I also secretly admire her. I may know what I want to do, but she knows who she is. Ella stays true to herself in everything she does. When she slapped Leo today I was shocked, but I was also a little envious. If those comments were towards me I don't know what I would've done. I certainly wouldn't have slapped the left tackle of our school football team who was almost a foot taller than me. 

I curl onto my side and fall asleep like I do every night, grateful for the people who care about and alone. 

A Modern Cinderella Story (On Hold Because School Is Time-Consuming)Where stories live. Discover now