Chapter 17

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Ellie's POV:

"Let's take this somewhere else Ellie," Calum whispers in my ear as he helps me off the floor. My shirt is still on the ground but I'm pretty sure I won't be needing it. Calum grabs my hand and grips it hard as he pulls me around the house trying to find an empty spot or room anywhere. But, sadly, there are people everywhere we go. He finally just runs out the front door, pulling me along with him and we escape into the night, too drunk to even realize where we are going. Luckily, our house is right up the road so we just keep walking until we see the familiar, friendly lights and we know we made it back home. We both barge through the front door, scaring Luke and Marilyn who are laying on the couch.

"Calum what the fuck do you think you're doing?" Luke yells and gets up from the couch. Mar stands up and follows, but keeps her distance. "You scared the shit out of us. What are you guys doing back this early?"

"None of your business Luke. Now shut up and leave Ellie and I alone. We're going to our room," Calum explains and takes my hand again and heads for the stairs.  I give Mari a hopeful look and she just smirks back at me. At least I think she does. I'm drunk. I don't even know what I'm seeing right now. All I know is I want Calum and he wants me.

We rush up the stairs and into their room so fast. He lays me down on the bed, somehow gently and aggressive at the same time. He crawls on top of me, pressing his warm lips to my neck making me moan. "That's not the only thing that's gonna make you moan tonight El. You don't even know how long I've been waiting to finally be with you," Calum says excitedly and I just smile.

"Me too, Cal."  His hands trace my body all the way down, feeling every inch of me. Our lips meet again and we kiss intensely for the longest time. I try to tell myself to stay cool, even though I am freaking out inside.

Marilyn's POV:

Luke comes back to the couch to watch TV as we hear the front door open. Mrs. Hood comes in with a bunch of shopping bags and Luke offers to get the rest from her car for her. "Sure sweetie, that would be great," She says to him and he scurries off to the vans  trunk. I get up from the couch to go talk to her a bit. "Where's everyone else?" she asks.

"Well I know Cal and Ellie just went upstairs together, I don't know what's going on up there," I say, I find it weird to talk to her about Calum like that.

"What? Are they drunk?" she asks, "I need to go see what's going on. I don't want anything bad happening in my house."

"I'm not sure if that's a good-" I get cut off as she turns her back and heads up the main stairs, "idea." I feel bad because I know Ellie has been waiting for this moment for a long time and I don't want it to be ruined for her. I hear Luke's footsteps entering back into the house and I forget about what's going on upstairs. I can't stop looking at him. He smiles and walks over to me after he sets the bags down and gives me a quick kiss. "You are such a cutie, Luke."

Ellie's POV:

Making out with Calum is getting more intense as the minutes go by. Now he has his shirt off and I can clearly see all of his tattoos. I run my hands all over his back, trying to feel every inch of him that I have never felt before. I hear footsteps coming up the stairs but I shrug it off and think that Luke and Mar are just going to bed. But then, the footsteps stop in front of our room and the door opens. Calum looks up.

"Oh shit!" He says and scrambles to find his shirt. I pull a blanket up over myself because I am still only in a bra.

"Calum Thomas Hood!" His mother yells, "What do you think you're doing young man? You should be ashamed I have to find you like this! You too Ellie!"

"I-I-I'm sorry Mrs. Hood.  This won't happen again I promise," I reply and wrap the blanket fully around my chest. I hop off of the bed and walk past her, out of the room, "I'm really, really sorry."

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