Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:
3rd Person POV

Washing the dishes, vacuuming the rug, watering the garden. Juliet and Daniel did these chores in their time at home. But it wasn't chores to them, no, it was more of time together. You could hear them laughing even though the windows were closed. But Juliet was facing a terrible problem, one only she could fix. How to get Daniel's memory back. All she had been doing was telling him stories, her memories with him, it wasn't doing anything. But Daniel, as his memory lost self, was feeling a strange attraction to her, and that wanted him to try and remember who he was. He had to try harder.

Daniel walked around the house, twisting and turning his head to look at the pictures that covered the grey walls. The corners of his both turned up just enough so you could see his dimples. His eyes were focused on the picture inside a black frame. A smiling Juliet had her arm around Daniel's waist, and Daniel had the biggest grin on his face and his arm went around her waist as well. He could sense a strong sense of affection just bursting out of the frozen memory.

"That was just a few weeks after you asked me to be your girlfriend. That was in 11th grade, we've grown so much since then." Juliet reminisced about that wonderful day.

"Tell me," Daniel wondered, his eyes wandered over the picture once again.

Juliet's POV:

My finger traced over his knuckles, rubbing against the soft skin. My head lay against his rock hard chest, which was just soft enough to be comfortable. His hands were playing with my hair, weaving it into a pattern and then untangling it. I breathed in the slight scent of Axe that was drifting off of him, and sighed as my head went deeper into his chest.

"Why do you do that?" I asked him, my fingers tracing over the lines on his palm.

"Do what?" His hands stop playing with my hair.

"Anything, you do anything and you make me feel so safe," I whisper and lean up to look at his eyes.

"There isn't really a reason for why I do whatever I do, but I'll do anything to make you feel safe," He speaks softly and when I peer deeper into his eyes, I can tell that he's telling the truth.

"Thank you," I say honestly, and let my eyes close.

"Is your family life okay?" Daniel asks, I now he's referring to my mom cheating on my dad.

"Well they are getting a divorce, and I really hope my dad gets custody, at least until I turn 18 in February. My mom is really mad at me, and I don't even know why! She says it's my fault they fell out of love, she said that I'm the girl who took away her source of money!" I rant, because right now, he's one of the few people I can trust.

Just as I was about to say more, his lips capture mine for just seven seconds, but it feels like more.

"It'll be okay," He smiles, his cool breath fanning over my face.

I smile back, not knowing how to respond. "We are one messed up bunch aren't we?" I ask.

"Yeah, we are. But I guess that's what makes us, us." He says, and sits up straight, so I do too.

"Let's take a walk," I suggest, and I get up and reach for Daniel's hand.

"Okay, wanna go to the park?" He asks as he grabs my hand and hoists himself up.

"God your so heavy! What have you been eating?" I groan jokingly.

"Hey! You love these abs," He gasps as he leads me out of the house.

I stay silent, letting the absence of sound speak for itself.

We walked in total silence, maybe because we didn't need to talk to express our love for each other, maybe because it never gets awkward during these long pauses, and maybe because that's just how we were.
Hey everyone!

Sorry for the late update, and sorry it's super short. I will update all my books soon:)

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