Getting accepted

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Chapter 1

McKinley’s  P.O.V.

Here I stand in the middle of the airport, looking for any sign of where I’m supposed to be going. After ten minutes of mindlessly wandering I see a chauffeur looking man holding a sign with my name on it: McKinley Rose Anderson. I can’t believe I’m being picked up by a fancy lookin’ dude! Alright maybe I should back up a bit, say two weeks.



I was looking online for anything to do seeing as I had no more classes to take at college for the rest of the day when I came across an add on the One Direction fan site. Now usually I pay no mind to the ads since they’re virtually useless, but this one just stood out to me. It clearly stated “Ever wanted to meet the boys? Or how about be with one of them? Well here’s your chance! We’re starting a new reality show and we want YOU to be a part of it. All you have to do is send in a video of you just introducing yourself and we’ll select if we want you to be on our show!”  So naturally being the wonderful woman that I am, I submitted a video.

*One Week Later*

I got a suspicious looking envelope in the mail about a week after I sent in the video. I opened it up and saw in big bold letters: “MCKINLEY ROSE ANDERSON YOU HAVE BEEN SELECTED TO BE A PART OF THE HUSBAND GAMES: STARRING 1D! YOU AND 14 OTHER GIRLS WILL BE COMPETING TO WIN THE BOYS’ HEARTS, WE WISH YOU LUCK! SEE YOU NEXT WEEK!” and a plane ticket to London (where I assume the show will be held.)


So now I’m in an airport, in London, walking towards what I guess is my own personal chauffeur. This is so exciting! 

As I walked closer to him I noticed two other girls standing right beside him, luggage in hand. They really were beautiful; one had ginger hair that came a little bit past her shoulders and these gorgeous green eyes that reminded me of Harry’s only a hint lighter and these legs that went on for like ever, she had to have been at least three inches taller than me, and the other looked exactly like her only her hair was a few inches longer and she had dimples. I approached them and the girl without dimples stuck her hand out towards me smiling widely and saying “Hi, I’m Ciela Mitchell and this is my sister Askadeliah!” I smiled politely, “McKinley Rose Anderson.” And with that our driver took our bags and we were on our way to where we were staying.

AN: I know it's short but stick with me here it'll get better:)

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