Lets Go On A Date... Or Five

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Chapter 9

Louis' P.O.V.

"Well, I've decided on Ciela and Askadeliah." I told everyone. I looked at the twins and noticed that they were slightly glaring at each other.

Zayn's P.O.V.

"Lovely choices Louis. I personally choose Haezle and Savanna though." I said while looking at the newly found best friends who were each smiling at me.

Harry's P.O.V.

"I'm gonna cut right to the chase and say that I've chosen Adi and Evelyn." I spoke with a cheeky grin. Adi looked shocked and Evelyn put on a somewhat seductive smile.

Niall's P.O.V.

"Well ladies, while I would've liked to take all of you out, I had to narrow it down to two, McKinley and Katerina. Will you ladies do me the honor and be my lovely dates for this evening?" I asked looking at them. Katerina nodded excitedly where as McKinley smiled sweetly and said, "It would be my pleasure."

Liam's P.O.V.

"That means... Neida, you are my date for tonight if you'd like to be." I spoke up after Niall was done talking. "Sounds great." She replied grinning. "Alright girls, we'll all be back to get you at around half six tonight so be ready, and dress casual." I told them before we all stated our goodbyes and left.

*Strenuous process of the girls getting ready for like four or so hours*

*Around half six*

Louis' P.O.V.

I was the first of us boys to arrive later that night. I had planned on taking Askadeliah and Ceila to see a nice film and then getting something to eat. After being let into the house by a slightly disappointed Evelyn, I was led to the living room where all the girls were seated. "Hey ladies. Ciela, Askadeliah, you guys ready to go?" I asked them. With a nod and a smile they stood, and we were on our way.

Harry's P.O.V.

As I walked into the living room to pick up Adi and Evelyn for our dinner date, I noticed that the twins were gone so I assumed that Louis had already showed up. "Ladies." I acknowledged all of them before kneeling in between Adi and Evelyn and presenting them each with a red rose. "These are for you lovely girls." Adi blushed and Evelyn practically tackled me into a hug after taking their roses. "Well then, let us be on our way."

Zayn's P.O.V.

When I arrived at the house I was pretty excited to go on a date with Haezle and Savanna, I had planned on taking them to the roof of an older building so we could have a picnic and then watch the stars and talk. I was greeted by Haezle and Savanna while on my way to the living room. "Oh, hey. Are you ready to go?" I asked them. "Absolutely." They responded at the same time with confident smiles and with a quick wave goodbye to the others, we were out the door.

Liam's P.O.V.

As I entered the house being led into the living room by Katerina, I realized that the only boy left to come was Niall. "Hey girls. Neida you look beautiful, are you ready to go on our date?" I asked only then remembering that I forgot to tell her she needed a swimsuit. "Oh, wait Neida, will you run up to your room real quick and grab your swimsuit." She nodded and rushed over to the staircase. I stood waiting by the living room where I could clearly see McKinley and Katerina glaring at each other. Looks like Niall's going to have fun with those two. As soon as Neida came back down, we were on our way.

Niall's P.O.V.

I made a point of it to try and be the last one to show up, which is why I didn't make my appearance until seven or so. I casually walked in the house setting down the things I brought for our date. I then proceeded into the living room where I noticed McKinley and Katerina sitting as far as possible from one another. "Hello lovelies. Are you prepared, for the best date ever?" I questioned as seriously as I could. Katerina nodded eagerly while McKinley rolled her eyes with a smile and a chuckle. "Okay, follow me." I led them to the kitchen of the house and stopped in the middle, turning to face them. "Our date is going to be here. We're going to make dinner together and probably dessert." I said with a grin.

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