Pranking with a mystical creature

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Chapter 5

McKinley's P.O.V.

It was around three in the morning when I was awoken by a mystical creature aka Louis "The Tommo" Tomlinson. He pulled me out to the hall where I noticed that he had already woken up Neida, Ciela, Askadeliah, and Katerina(much to my dismay). "Okay ladies, as you can see none of the other boys are here, it's only me. I've decided to interact with you guys on a more personal level, so i have picked you five to help me play some pranks on the other girls." Louis whispered.

He handed each of us a different item, I got a scary looking mask which I can guess is going to be used to scare one of the girls, Neida got a bottle of honey, Ceila got a bag of feathers, Askadeliah got temporary hair dye and Katerina got shaving cream and a feather. "Okay, lets get to work. McKinley, you get to do a wake up scare to one of the others. Neida and Ciela you work together to get as many girls covered in feathers as you can. Askadeliah, pick a few girls and do what you have to do to dye as much of their hair as possible. And Katerina, you get the classic shaving cream in the face. Does everyone understand the mission you have recieved?" Louis asked. After we all nodded he continued, "Alright. Ready, Set, Go! Let's do this thing!" He whisper yelled.

We all seperated, Louis staying in the hall to observe and what not, and I snuck into Adi and Evelyn's room. I didn't particularly want to scare Adi as much as I did Evelyn so I crept over to the side of Evelyn's bed and decided to wait for a minute just so that if she screamed it wouldn't wake anyone up before the other girls' finished their pranks.

Katerina's P.O.V. (A/N: Wait what? A change of p.o.v.???)

I'm pissed that that bitch McKinley isn' t in her room. She would've been my first victim. I just can't stand her! I'll be honest, I see her as a threat and I don't like that, so I need to get rid of her, one way or another. (A/N: What? It slipped;) ) It's all in a matter of time. I'll make sure she gets kicked out if it's the last thing I do.

Askadeliah's P.O.V.

I don't know why I decided to send in a video for this show, oh wait, yeah I do, to piss my sister off. It's been a pass time of mine since we were little girls and this is just another plan to bother her, and it's the biggest yet. Ya see, I've noticed that my dear sister over here has a favorite, and we're helping him play pranks. So as things go, naturally I'm going to use all my power to get him to fall for me. I'm just sick of that princess getting everything she wants! So now, it's my time to shine.

Louis' P.O.V.

(A/N: This is what my friend JD decided he would make of Louis' p.o.v. so uhhh yeah. Then Askadeliah came up to me and asked for some chocolate milk I responded "what!!! how dare you ask me that you slut I totatlly called them!! so no!" then i leaped foward and attacked her with my spoonfuchi. A special kind of self defense. I spooned all her inards out and fed them to my cat... Anywhore back to the actual story haha) I'm standing in the hall with a smile on my face when I hear a loud shriek coming from what I believe is Adi and Evelyn's room. I pivot and walk towards the room where I see McKinley lying on the ground laughing and Evelyn crying in her bed.

McKinley's P.O.V.

Oh my god that was so awesome! I scared the crap out of Evelyn and it was hilarious, she never saw it coming and I even made her cry, now I know that sounds awful, but when you get that type of reaction from a prank, especially to someone you dislike it just kind of fills you with glee. After I stopped laughing on the floor and stood up I realized that Louis had entered the room and was comforting Evelyn and all the other girls were standing in the doorway.

"Alright, I think that's enough pranks for tonight." Louis stated after finally calming the attention whore down. Frankly I think she was being overdramatic about it but whatever it doesn't effect me that much anyway.

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