The Arrival

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Chapter 2

McKinley’s P.O.V.

Sweet mother of all that is caramel filled chocolate, this is ginormous! That was the only thought in my mind as we pulled up in front of a mansion. Now you see I’m more of a small town girl so I’ve never actually seen a mansion up close and this is just too much! The twins and I got out of the limo and grabbed our bags that the driver pulled from the trunk. As soon as we picked them up and turned towards the house a man came out the front door, but not just any man oh no, this was Simon Cowell.

He looked us over and spoke: “Hello ladies, you all seem to be the first ones to arrive so you’re welcome to go inside and find the room we have placed for you.” And with that he turned and walked away. I was the first of us to walk into the house and it was gorgeous, there was a chandelier hanging on the ceiling in the space before a few hallways that I soon found out led to the kitchen, and the living room. There was a staircase around the corner of the front door that went to all the upstairs bedrooms and there was even a basement that had an indoor pool!

After briefly looking around for a few minutes I went and found my own bedroom that I noticed by the door said I would be sharing with some girl named Neida Tinajero. Hmm, I wonder who she is, I hope she’s nice. When I entered the room though, I was not prepared for what I found. It was white, entirely white. White walls, white sheets and blankets, there wasn’t even a rug or anything I felt like I was in a hospital room. I bet there’s a reason for this though.

After hanging my clothes up in the closet (that was of course white) I went downstairs to check out the living room. I realized that Ceila was in their too, “Hey, is your room completely white too?” She asked me. “Yes, I’m glad I’m not the only one whose room is plain, but I bet it has to do with something that we just don’t know about yet.” We sat together in the living room just talking about nothing for around half an hour when an unfamiliar face came in. “Oh, hey. I didn’t realize any one was here. I’m Neida Tinajero.” She said. She had dark brown hair that was curled around her face surrounding her deep brown eyes, and if I were to describe her skin color I would probably say mocha.

“Hey, roomie. Have you been upstairs yet?” I asked. “Yeah, and we really need to do somethin’ about those walls.”  So there we sat; me, Neida, Ceila, and Askadeliah(who came downstairs a few minutes after Neida came) just talking and waiting for everyone else to come. It had only been about 10 minutes when two girls stumbled in laughing.

We all turned to look at them and made our introductions, followed by one saying her name was Haezle Scott and the other was Adi Harper. Haezle had skin that was slightly tanned but not too much with light brown hair that had silvery-blue tips, but the coolest part was her eyes, one of them was a crystalishgrey while the other was an amber color. Adi on the other hand had dirty blonde wavy hair with light blue eyes and was dressed sporty and relaxed.

Over the next couple of hours more girls came in to the room and we all talked and laughed together, until a few or should I say five guests came into the room.

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