A Pile Of Sugar Left By A Bitch

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Chapter 6

Louis' P.O.V.

After the girls went back to bed, I made my way back to mine and the boys' flat where Liam was just about to go for a jog considering it was now around five a.m. "Oh, hey Lou where ya been?" He asked. "I went to play pranks with some of the girls..." "Louis William Tomlinson! Please tell me nothing went wrong." Liam pleaded. "Well one of the girls did get so scared that she nearly pissed herself, and she did start bawling, but" "Louis, who did you have do the prank, because I assume it wasn't you." He stated calmly. "It was McKinley, but Li she---" "No, Lou this needs to be fixed and I will make sure it is." He cut me off. I sighed as he went back up to his room to change.

McKinley's P.O.V.

It wasn't until about ten that the boys' showed up and we were all called to the living room. "Hello ladies, we're here on both bad terms and good terms." Zayn spoke. "We need to tell you that Skyler and Ava you will no longer be a part of the show, please pack your bags and leave." Louis solemnly said. Skyler and Ava nodded and left the room. "On a better note, it's time for you to recieve your next challenge." Harry told us with a cheeky grin. "This challenge happens to be my favorite, it'll be a dessert cook-off. You have an hour and a half to buy your supplies and bake the best dessert you know. Your time starts---" Niall was saying until Liam interrupted him. "Wait, I have something to say. Mckinley, you will not be participating in this challenge." "What! Why?" I asked as calmy as I could. "Because your actions last night are not acceptable and I feel that this needs to be made right. You also need to apologize to Evelyn." He said back to me.

I rolled my eyes as I turned to Evelyn with a sickeningly sweet smile and retorted an "I'm Sorry'" before turning back towards Liam. He nodded and said to the others "The rest of you, your time starts... NOW!" all the other boys shouted at the end as usual. The other girls all ran out of the house to get supplies leaving me sitting on the couch with a rather bored and pissy expression staring at the boys.

"So what exactly do you expect me to do?" I asked snarkly after a few minutes. "Sit and think about what you've done." Liam replied. "But I didn't really do anything. Evelyn was over reacting." Zayn, Niall, and Harry looked confused whereas Louis looked sort of guilty. "Wait, so what happened?" Zayn asked. "Nothing, I just pulled a scare prank on Evelyn, and she started to cry." I replied with a tired tone, because I was irratated with the fact that because she was overreacting I was now being punished in a way.

Liam just left the room, obviously feeling a bit frustrated with me and Niall, Harry, and Zayn just kind of looked at each other, while Louis came and sat next to me. "I'm sorry McKinley." He said while looking down. "I didn't mean for you to get thrown out of this challenge, I was only telling Liam about the prank." "Don't worry about it Lou, it's not your fault." I told him. "Okay, boys well since I'm "in trouble", I probably shouldn't be down here with you because that's more of a reward than anything else, so I'm going up to my room." And with that I sulked up the stairs thinking of how stupid that was.

Niall's P.O.V.

I feel bad that McKinley was punished for an illogical reason, I think that Liam should've talked to all of us before deciding to do that. A few minutes after McKinley went up to her room, I decided to go talk to her so I walked up the stairs and stopped in front of her room. I hesitated for a minute and then finally knocked on the door.

I heard her groan followed by a "come in", I entered her room and looked around to see that more quotes had been written on the walls, and she was laying on her bed writing something. She looked up at me for a small moment before turning back to whatever she was doing. "Whatcha writin'?" I asked her while walking towards her bed slowly and sitting down. "Just workin' on a song that isn't going the way I want it to." McKinley grumbled before crumbling up the paper and throwing it into a corner of the room where I now noticed there were five or so other wads of paper.

I stood up and walked over to all the paper and picked up the one she had just thrown as I was opening it I heard a low "please, don't", come from McKinley's mouth. I nodded, set the paper down, and walked towards her. "McKinley, are you okay?" I questioned as I realized she was sniffling and wiping her eyes. "I'm fine, ya know just sweating through my eyes." She tried to say as calmly as she could, but her voice cracked and her lip trembled so I knew she wasn't fine. I went and sat next to her and wrapped my arm around her shoulder and she leaned into me crying on my chest. "What's wrong?" I whispered to her when her tears stopped flowing.

She pulled away and said without looking me in the eyes, "I'm sorry you had to deal with that. I was just a bit frustrated so the waterworks came out and I don't know, it was dumb, and now you probably think I'm a big baby..." She trailed off at the end and I grabbed her chin lightly and turned her head to look towards me. "McKinley, you aren't a baby, there is nothing wrong with crying, it's natural to need to let your emotions out sometimes. Just keep your head up and keep a smile on your face because you look beautiful when you smile." After I finished my little speech I gave her a small smile and then stood up and left her sitting on her bed.

McKinley's P.O.V.

Holy shit. Am I dreaming right now or did Niall the perfect irish snowflake Horan just tell me I have a beautiful smile? And he comforted me, HE WRAPPED HIS ARM AROUND ME AND LET ME CRY ON HIM! Alright McKinley tune it the hell down. Okay, I'm fine. I'm cool and collected. That was just wow like I can't believe that happened. I was brought out of my fangirl thoughts by a shout of "TIME'S UP! STOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING!" from all the boys.

As I walked downstairs I practically got a cavity from how sweet it smelled. I turned into the kitchen and saw all the girls standing by some sort of dessert.

Meanwhile with the challenge

Neida's P.O.V. (A/N: Written by the one and only Neida Tinajero herself! I love you bitch haha!)

I left for the store. I walked into the international foods aisle, because we all know, I ain't gonna be cooking no white people food up in here. MEXICAN FEISTA! I grabbed rice, milk, cinnamon, sugar,and flan mix. I paid for the items and made my way back, I had an hour and 15 minutes to cook my way to one of the guy's hearts! I don't know why, but I'm kinda gravitating towards Liam..

I got into the kitchen and started to make the flan. I grabbed a dish spread the caramel sauce on the bottom the out the milk and the flan mix into a pot to boil. While that was going I started on the arroz con leche, it's kinda like rice pudding. The milk, rice, and cinnamon went in then I turned around to get my sugar.

"Katerina," I snapped, that bitch had my sugar! "That's my sugar! Hands of, swifty!" I whisper growled at her. She smirked and said, "sharing is caring!" I scoffed, "yeah, but not with chu." I said my Spanish accent coming out. Watch out, I'm gonna go chola on this girl, for real! She giggled and cut open the sugar with some scissors and spilled it everywhere! No, you cunt! I just died a little inside.

Katerina smiled and skipped away to her kitchen station. I swear I would have pounced on her if it weren't for Celia holding me back and my Arroz almost burning. I poured the flan mixture into the container and put it into the fridge to cool. The flan took 15 minutes to boil so now it has an hour to cool so I can serve it. The arroz was now boiling too. I turned the stove off, moved the Arroz, and covered it to keep the heat in.

I was done really early now. I started to evaluate the girls in my head. Cleia, she's nice and pretty. Her twin, Askadelia, she's cool too but something doesn't feel right about her. McKinley, I love that chick, ugh Evelyn 'omg I'm so scared!' Um like no bitch! That's all I can really think of right now, but I know that some of these rachet skanks need to go. (A/N: THANKS NEIDA!!! I EFFIN LOVE YOU CHICA!!)

McKinley's P.O.V.

As I walked downstairs I practically got a cavity from how sweet it smelled. I turned into the kitchen and saw all the girls standing by some sort of dessert, and a pile of sugar on the floor.

(A/N: This has got to be my favorite chapter:D I hope you liked it!)

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