A Trip To The Hospital, And The Newest "Challenge"

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Chapter 8

Harry's P.O.V.

It was awful. We all saw her body go limp and fall off the stage. We all heard the crack that followed. The girls were all sent to their rooms after Liam dialed the ambulance, when it arrived he went with them while the rest of us boys followed behind in one of the cars. So now here we sit in the waiting room of the hospital, none of us have really said anything about this, I just feel bad that this competition caused someone to end up in the hospital and I'm pretty sure that's what the other lads are thinking as well.

"Excuse me, you boys are here for Adi Harper right?" A man, I'm assuming her doctor asked. "Yeah." I spoke up. "Alright. Well there was no serious head trauma, but she fractured three of her ribs and sprained her wrist. We want to keep her overnight for observation, but she may be released tomorrow." He told us. We all exchanged looks of guilt and then Zayn asked, "Can we see her?" "Yes just follow me." Doctor what's-his-name said.

When we stopped front of her door the doctor told us that he would give us some time with her and then walked off to probabaly check on other patients. I looked at the boys before opening the door.

Adi's P.O.V.

I was laying in the hospital bed staring at the ceiling thinking about how I'm probably gonna be sent home after this. I mean, can you imagine how bad it'll make them look that I ended up here, it would be best for everyone if I just left. I continued to wallow in my own depression, when I heard the door open.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw all of the boys pull chairs over to my bed. "Hey Adi, how are ya feeling?" Liam asked me. "Physically? Fine. Mentally and Emotionally? I'm not quite sure." I replied. " "What do you mean?" Niall questioned. "I just don't want you guys to send me home. I don't really have anything to go back to, my parents died when I was seven and I've been living with my grandma. Plus I quit my job to come on the show and I didn't have enough money for college, I've been trying to save up." I mumbled.

I felt a few tears roll down my cheeks and I quickly wiped them off before continuing, "But I understand that I'm probably not the type of girl you need or want on the show anymore, so I'll find something to do when I get back." All of the boys looked at each other for a minute before turning back to me.

"Adi, we have no intention of sending you home right now." Harry said. "Really?" "Yeah, we like you and we feel that there's no reason you shouldn't be here." Zayn told me. I gave them a small smile before Harry told me to rest up and that they'd come pick me up tomorrow morning and take me back to the house. With the though of being safe for awhile still in my mind, I drifted off into a rather peaceful sleep.

*The next morning*

I awoke about half an hour before Louis and Harry came to get me. "Where are the others?" I wondered outloud. "They're back at the house with the rest of the girls." Louis told me while Harry seemed to be deep in thought. As Lou walked ahead of us I whispered to Harry, "What are you thinking so hard about?" "Hmm? Oh nothing. Don't worry about it."

One awkward car ride later and we were back at the house. As soon as the door opened I was ambushed by Savanna and Haezle mostly, while the other girls just kind of stood smiling. "Alright, alright, let go you're hurting my ribs."I told them. We all walked to the living room and waited for the boys to speak.

Louis' P.O.V.

"Well ladies, in light of recent events our next challenge will be postponed for a little while." Liam told the girls, some of which followed that up with noises of dissappointment. "But, we have something else in mind. Something that you'll most likely be happy about." I continued. "We're taking you on dates to get to know you better." Zayn said next. "To save some time though, some of us will have to double up on you." Harry told them. "Since there are nine of you and only five of us, one of you lucky ladies will be having one-on-one time." Niall spoke up. "So each of us have chosen our girls or girl, and will be taking you out later this evening on a date that we've planned." Liam said. I looked at the girls who were all leaning forward slightly in anticipation. I was the first to speak up my choices' "Well, I've decided on..."

A/N: This has been the most serious chapter yet. I like it, it was rather fun to write. I'm sorry that it's so short though. I can't seem to keep a consistent length in my chapters. Oh well at least I've been working at all;) Thank you to whoever has been reading this. You guys are awesome and I love you. Comments are always appreciated. (:

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