Final Decisions

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Chapter 11

Zayn's P.O.V.

The boys and I waited out back for the girls, we were mainly quiet, thinking over our final decisions one last time. They finally started coming out the door, until all nine were there, and they looked stunning. Why do we only have to pick one girl? I was nudged by Liam, signaling that I was to go first. So I did.

"Well, this has been a hard, hard decision to make, and I wish I could've picked all of you, butI had to narrow it down. The girl I have picked is funny and charming, and it was hard to pick her because her best friend is so much like her, but they are different. She's different and I like that. So Haezle, will you do me the honor, of becoming my girlfriend and hopefully wife someday?" I asked as I grabbed Haezle's hand and presented the rose to her. She nodded happily, took the rose and gave me a huge kiss, when we pulled apart I kept my arm around her as Harry stepped forward a bit.

Harry's P.O.V.

"My decision wasn't as hard to make as Zayn's was. So I'll just come out and say that the girl I picked is sweet and shy and adorable. She also has a sprained wrist. Adi, you are so beautiful. Will you make me the happiest boy on earth, and be mine?"

Adi looked at me with her mouth open and eyes wide before snapping out of her trance and taking the rose from me, before giving me a gentle peck on the lips and nodding.

Louis' P.O.V.

"It's no shock to anyone really that I would end up picking one of the twins. Askadeliah, you are flamboiant and you express yourself so easily, but I don't think that you're quite the one for me. Ciela, you are kind and a lovely person and I'd be ecstatic if you would be with me." I told her whilst holding up my rose. (A/N: I was originally going to make Louis be like Pikachu I choose you! But I thought instead I'd make it so Askadeliah was more properly rejected hehehe)

Ciela blushed so hard that she looked like a tomato, but non-the-less nodded enthusiastically and practically tackled me grabbing the rose in the proccess and kissing me excitedly.

Liam's P.O.V.

Everything seems to be going as planned, now it's my turn. "The girl I picked is stunningly gorgeous. She is everything I've ever been looking for and it saddens me that I haven't know her longer, but I am intent on spending the rest of my life with her. Neida, will you accompany me through this life that we have to live?"

She chuckled before kissing me and mumbling "You have a strange way of asking, but absolutely."

Niall's P.O.V.

"I've gone back and forth on my decision, but to be honest, it's always been obvious. It's always been you, the girl who's smile and laugh can light up the room, the girl who let me see her at one of her most vulnerable moments, the girl who wrote an original song to sing to us, the girl who walked in at the wrong moment, the girl who is the most unique woman I have ever met. McKinley, I'm sorry that you had to see what you did the other night, but I promise, if you say yes to being mine that you'll never have to go through anything like that again. So without further ado, will you trust me to take care of you, and officialy be my girlfriend?"

McKinley started to tear up, lightly wrapping her arms around me after grabbing the rose, and whispering in my ear "I'd love to," and then kissing my neck softly.

A/N: Eek! Only the epilogue left! I love all of you beautiful readers!!

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