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Updates will be slow for a while so i apologize now for rare updates

(Nikki's point of view)
I stayed close to Alucard as he escorted me home. I felt safe and secure around him and even more secure when he held my arm.
Every now and then Alucard would glance down at me and smile. "You are made beautiful under the light of a full moon, my dear. Like an angel that has lost her way."
I smiled at the No Life King and we soon arrived at my home. "Until our paths cross again." He bowed and left me at my front door. "Thank you Alucard."

Before i opened my door, i heard footsteps and growling in my home. Grabbing a machete from a pot outside, i opened the door and prepared for the worst. Only that the worst knew i was coming.

(Alucard's point of view)

I left my soon to be draculina at her front door and began to walk home until i caught the stench of ghouls in her home. I turned around and barely caught my draculina busting down her door and running inside with a machete.

"My draculina is brave. But she can't take on ghouls and a possible vampire with that." I guess i have to save the damsel in distress now.

As i got closer to the home i heard screams of her and thuds from ghouls falling. She must be doing fine for now.

Her scream sliced through the silence within seconds and i knew what that meant. A filthy vampire found my draculina.

(Nikki's point of view)

I got almost all of the ghouls but then goofed up and got snagged by my barbed wire fence behind my house. How did i get out there you may ask? I cleared the house but there were more outside so the only option was to get rid of them first.

Now i was stuck in barbed wire and in the arms of a really ugly vampire. He laughed at me and raked his claws across my face leaving me somewhat screaming.
"You know, thats not how you should treat a lady." Alucard had come back! He heard the ghouls and came back! Yes! Kick his ass Alucard!
Alucard saw my face brighten and the ugly vampire started to rant about what he was going to do to me. You know what vampires do.
Alucard wasn't amused. He was watching me carefully, seeing if i was being hurt more than i already am i guess?
"Excuse me my lady, but may i ask if you are a virgin?" My face heated up at his question and the fugly vampire started yelling.

I quickly nodded to him and heard a gunshot and felt a sharp pain through my chest. The vampire fell and died instantly while i was falling backwards after him. I closed my eyes waiting for more pain but it never came. My eyes opened and Alucard's face was inches from mine. "I'm sorry about what i did. It was the only way to kill him. I assure you that i can save you here and now, but only if you allow me."
I nodded to the No Life King and he smiled. "You may want to close those beautiful eyes for this part my draculina," he said before i did as he said and he brought me closer to him. I felt nothing as i drifted off to a peaceful sleep.

My Draculina (Alucard x Reader/ Nikki)Where stories live. Discover now