Something More

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Alucard had returned home with Nikki and the two of them began to explain the situation to Sir Integra.

(Nikki's point of view)

"So from what u heard, to save yourself from becoming another vampire's slave you became Alucard's servant instead?"

Both of us nodded and she put her face in her hand. "I will never fully understand vampires will i? Alucard she is your responsibility and i will have her coffin transferred to your chambers. Show her what it means to be a servant."

Alucard grins and takes me to the training area. "First off about being like me: those gloves never come off unless asked to do so by your master. That will rarely happen unless i am in imminent danger." "Why?" "When you put on those gloves, they gave you an immense amount of power. That power is to be used to protect your master, nothing more. I made the mistake of taking them off once before. I regretted it soon after. I destroyed the mansion we were killing ghouls in and everyone inside was dead, even our own soldiers. I keep my gloves on to restrict my power. The only one that can release the seals on our power is me for you and Integra for me."

I completely understood so we agreed to never abuse the power we are given.

Alucard taught me how to further use my vampiric abilities and he showed me the ups and downs of being a servant.
"You may have gained a lot of power but there's a downside. If you sustain a mortal wound, that power gets drained to heal it. And wherever you are in this world, you will be drawn towards me whenever i am in danger or if i call for you. Also i can teleport you to my side whenever i want so don't think about running."
"I think i understand. Now how are we going to deal with the Nazis?"
Alucard smiled at me. "When the time comes, you will be at my side and you will know my true form. Until then you will be at my side and learn as much as you can."
"Yes my master."

After our talk, Alucard had me stuck to him like glue. Its not like i can help it, he keeps me drawn to him. Every time i try to leave to do something I'm drawn back to him.
"What happens when i have to go to the bathroom or take a shower? Do you have to go with me?"
Alucard shook his head. "You take baths with me and you may use the restroom whenever you please. I will understand."
He bends down and kisses my forehead before blindfolding me.
"What was that for!?"
"Calm down my draculina. I'm taking you somewhere that i know you'll like."

Alucard put his hands on my shoulders and guided me down hallways. "Be careful. There's stairs here. Get ready to turn. Watch out." Alucard was pulling me in all kinds of directions. I was sure i almost walked into a statue.
He stopped me and opened a door. "Walk in a few steps and stop." I did as he said and waited for him. "What is your favorite musical instrument my draculina?"
"I play a lot of instruments Alucard but my best one is flute.(i play flute in real life for a marching band so you can change the instrument if you don't like.)"

I felt the blindfold being pulled off and what i saw amazed me. All kinds of instruments as far as the eye can see. Alucard was holding a flute in his arms by a piano. "I believe you will like this one. And may i ask for a duet?"
He handed me the flute and we started playing my favorite song (you choose your favorite) as a duet. We sounded like singing angels while we played.
Alucard smiled at me as i danced while i played my part of the duet.
(Alucard's point of view)
My draculina is very beautiful when she plays that flute. I have fallen greater in love with her because of this.

My Draculina (Alucard x Reader/ Nikki)Where stories live. Discover now