The King and the Saint

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(Nikki's point of view)

We arrived at the mansion that was described to us within a few minutes. "You have bottom floor. When you get done meet me on the second floor." With that, Alucard went in and ran upstairs, dodging the ghouls that i soon blew their heads off.
Seeing all of the blood made me trigger happy and i cleared the first floor within seconds.
Running up the stairs i saw alucard playing with his prey. Doing what i do best i took them down one by one until one was left lying on the floor. I smiled a sadistic grin and crushed the ghoul's skull and stared at the blood on my hands.
Alucard watched me as i licked my hands clean of the blood. "Nice job draculina-" he froze and so did i as sharp pains were sent through my shoulder.
I fell to the floor in pain, not wanting to know what was stuck in my back at the moment. "Well if it isn't ma lucky day? I got not just one heathen but i got a wee lass as well!" The man had a heavy Irish accent and it was really annoying.
"You hurt my draculina. You will be praying you didn't do that, Anderson."

The two monsters began to brawl and exchanged snarky remarks and smart ass taunts at each other until i saw Alucard's head go flying towards me. I froze in fear for a second and grabbed his head and ran.

I ignored the pain for a while until i found a good hiding spot and ripped the blades out. Alucard's head was staring at me really creepy like. "I know you aren't dead alucard. And don't even think about making me drink your blood i just can't do that to you." "That's a shame. You would become a true vampire if you did." "I will do it but not now. I'm not ready."

Alucards decapitated head smiled and erupted into a swarm of bats and flew back to his body. I followed and i was amazed at what i saw.

Alucard was fully healed and that Anderson guy was no where to be seen. He smiled at me and opened his arms to me in which i ran into and gave him a huge bear hug. "You impressed me again my draculina. Let's go home. Our work is done here."
After that we went home and took a break for a while. Sir Integra had my stuff moved to Alucard's room and i lived with him now. This week couldn't be messed up now. Or so i thought.

My Draculina (Alucard x Reader/ Nikki)Where stories live. Discover now