My master

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The week went by faster than ever. Alucard taught me how to efficiently use the guns i was given and he gave me a pendant with a ruby in the center. "If you are ever in trouble. A drop of your blood on that ruby will notify me of your distress." I thanked him for the gift. It was very beautiful and i wore it every day from then on.

After a week Sir Integra had us go on another mission to kill a vampire and warned us to be careful. "These vampires are smart. All of the people in the area went missing because of those vampires. Make sure you keep your guard up or you risk being captured."
I kept Integras words on my mind as we did a ground sweep of the area. "I don't sense any vampires nearby. How odd." "Alucard? What if the kidnappers aren't vampires?"
Alucard laughed at my question. "The only other possible thing these things could be are Nazis. Some researchers survived and they are really creepy. Speaking of that, stay close. I think you may have prolonged our lives a bit by asking that question."

Alucard got tense when he said Nazis. They had a bad history, the two of them.
I tripped and fell in a hole and Alucard lost sight of me. Great. Now I'm stuck in a hole and Alucard lost me.
I considered yelling but then the Nazis would be aware of us. But i never knew that they already knew. After i realized and started to call for Alucard i was knocked out and taken away.

(Alucard's point of view)
I never noticed Nikki was missing until i stopped and called for her. "Nikki? Draculina?" I don't believe this.

I searched the whole area one more time before i gave up and returned to the mansion. I hope she has her pendant. Or else i won't be able to find her.

(Nikki's Point of view)

I awoke chained to a wall in a dimly lit room. There was a table in the center of the room with a book and a pair of gloves like Alucard's. Wait. This isn't good.

The door opened and a man came in grinning at me. His eyes flashed red and he came up to me. "Hello frauline. You may be wondering why i brought you here. You are to be my servant and the only way to have you be loyal to only me, is to perform this ceremony I'm about to perform."
The man started to laugh and he grabbed the gloves from the table and put them on my hands. "These gloves will bind you to me, your master. All you have to do is think of me. And i will make that happen."

I growled at the man and he started chanting something and my hands started burning. I screamed and immediately started thinking of alucard. Alucard, please help me! Save me Alucard!

The burning sensation on my hands stopped and the man grinned. "Say that you love me frauline." I felt no urge to do as he said. I smiled and he punched my nose, making it bleed. "You little- who were you thinking of?!" The blood from my nose dripped on the pendant and it glowed. "I was thinking of my true master you dimwitted fool." I spat blood on him and bats swarmed the room.

The bats formed into Alucard and he impaled the creepy man. "I found you my draculina. Finally i found you." He relieved me of my chains and i welcomed his warm embrace. "How long has it been Alucard?" Alucard's expression turned grim and he replied,"its been 3 months. You were being tortured in here for 3 months. And why do you have those gloves- oh no."
His whole aura turned downcast and he carried me home. I felt warm tears escaping his eyes and landing on my cheeks as he carried me. "I would rather be your servant than his Alucard. You know that."
He smiled at my comment and held me close to him. "I won't let anything happen to you again my draculina. Even if you are now in the same dilemma as me now."

My Draculina (Alucard x Reader/ Nikki)Where stories live. Discover now