The decision

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I went to bed that night scared and confused. Why were my parents doing this? If they didn't want me then why did they have me in the first place. Europe or my Aunts house in Minden, Nebraska. I have been to Minden before. One summer I went to see Aunt Sarah for a couple weeks when my parents were on a cruise. I was around the age of 8 at the time so I only remember a bit of it. I wish I had a friend I could call and ask them what they would do. This is all up to me. I don't know how to choose. Either way, I will know no one but that isn't much different from now. 

I fell asleep that night and when I woke the next morning I knew I had been tossing and turning all night. All my blankets were on the floor and I was laying sideways on my queen sized bed. When I got up and shuffled to the bathroom I noticed that my eyes looked very tired and they were puffy like they get when I'd been crying. 

"That's it Alyssa. make up your mind. You can't change this so make your choice and don't look back" I said to myself. 

I slowly showered and dressed. I pulled my hair back into a messy ponytail and put on a little mascara and lip gloss. My stomach growled so I decided to go down and get a bowl of cereal in the kitchen. When I got down there my mother and father were standing near the breakfast bar talking in low voices. They turned when I walked in and looked at me eagerly, obviously waiting for my desicion. 

"Minden" is all I could say. I quickly grabbed a banana off the counter and a bottle of water and turned  back to the stairs. Then I felt someone touch my shoulder. It startled me because I wasn't use to touch. As I turned I looked into my mothers beautiful eyes. She looked sad but she had a small smile on her face. 

"Alyssa, I am glad you chose Minden. Maybe now you will feel like you belong somewhere. I am sorry, I just don't know how to be a mom. It wasn't for me." then she turned and walked away. 

I packed all my favorite clothes, and a few pictures and special things. My dad had told me to pack in just one suitcase because I would be taking a Greyhound bus. He said he would send money for new clothes in the next couple weeks. 

As he drove me to the bus stop and dropped me off at the old wooden bench that evening all I could do was feel like someone had ripped my heart out. I truely felt alone now. More than alone. Empty. As I watched him drive away with a small wave and smile, I could no longer hold back the tears. They were now finally able to come pouring out without dissapointing anyone but myself. 

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