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When I got to the house, I unlocked the front door with the key Aunt Sarah had given me. I set my backpack down on the bench in the entryway. I wasn't ready to do any of my reading homework yet. Instead I went into the bright kitchen and pulled out some bread, mayonaise and some fresh turkey lunch meat. After making myself  a sandwich I grabbed a bottle of water and headed up to my room. I sat at the end of my comfortable queen size bed and slowly ate my sandwich as I listened to the sound of saws and hammers outside. 

When I finished my sandwich I walked over to the window and looked down into the back yard. I could see Matt hammering part of the railing onto the new porch as another guy who looked to be a brother of Matt's held the board in place while using a level to make sure it lined up properly. I carefully opened my window, hoping that no one could hear it. 

"How's Tasha?" asked Matt's brother.

"Oh you know. She's Tasha. She wants me to go with her to her parents cabin on the river this weekend. I'm not sure if I want to go though" said Matt.

"Dude Matt, Why? Your Girlfriend is smoking hot!"

"Yeah, Brian.... I am fully aware that Tasha is smoking hot, but lately she's been awfully needy and its driving me bat shit crazy! I don't know what her deal is."

"If you don't want her, I'll take her" chuckled Matt's brother, Brian.

"Dude whatever Brian. You are 23, She's 17.... I don't think that would be smart on your part. Besides, what happened with Beth?" Matt asked.

"Awww, Beth and I are taking a break. We got into a big fight last weekend after the party at Shawn's house because she said I was hitting on her sister."

"Way to go you idiot!. Why were you hitting on her sister? Beth is a nice girl and not bad looking if I say so myself" Matt said.

" I wasn't completely hitting on her, and I had too much to drink so I wasn't thinking straight. Give me a break."

"Yeah, yeah. Anyway, sorry to change the subject but have you seen Sarah's neice yet? Now She isn't bad looking. She looks like a younger version of Sarah" I heard Matt say.

Just then, Brian looked up at my bedroom window. I jumped out of the way, hoping he didn't see me. Crap, crap, crap! What if he knew I was evesdropping all along? Would Matt know too? Damn you Alyssa! I thought to myself.

I flopped onto my bed and pulled my pillow over my head. Between the soft sound of my ceiling fan and the sound of the saw I drifted off to sleep.

 ( picture I posted is Brian's character, Matt's older brother) 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2013 ⏰

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