First look

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After I had unpack the little clothes I had brought with me, I realized  I was hungry. I headed down the stairs in search for the kitchen. I hope Aunt Sarah has some food in her house. I wandered into the kitchen. It was bright and spacious. It had cute little paintings on the walls of kids with animals. I found myself wondering why she never had any kids. I walked past a big picture window that had a small but nice table next to it and something caught my eye. I stopped and stared out the window. I could see the guys working on her porch like she said. There were four of them. They all looked similar , probably family members. Two of them looked to be in their mid 50's, one probably mid 20's and one looked my age, maybe a couple years older. He was the one who caught my eye. He was tall muscular and tan. He wore tan cargo shorts and no shirt. He was gorgeous! I don't think I had ever thought that about a guy before. Cute yes, but not gorgeous, but he was. I don't know how long I stood there and stared, watching him work, but then he looked up into the window and smiled. "Crap, Alyssa!" I said under my breath as I ducked out of view.  My heart was racing. Why did I stand there and stare and how long did he know I was there? I quickly went to the fridge and grabbed the first thing I saw and left the kitchen. I guess an apple is good enough for now.

As I turned the corner to head back upstairs, I heard a knock on the door. 

"Hmm, I wonder who is knocking" I thought as I turned toward the door. I wasn't sure if I should answer it or not, but thought I probably should in case it was important. As I opened the door with the apple in my hand I froze. There was that gorgeous guy at the front door, giving me a huge grin. 

"Hi, I don't mean to disturb you, but could you fill up my water jug? I already drank mine and I forgot to bring another one." 

"um, sure" is all I could say. I opened the door a bit farther letting him inside. As I lead him to the kitchen, I could feel him watching me. I turned on the water and moved out of the way so he could fill up his water jug. 

"My name is Matt," he said as he turned off the water and turned toward me. "Are you new to Minden?"

"Yeah" I said quietly. 

"Well you look like Sarah, but I didnt know she had any kids, are you her daughter?" Matt asked.

"No. I am her niece." I replied.

"Ok, guess that makes sense. So what brings you to Minden?" Matt asked with a small smile on his face.

"Well, I guess I am going to live here for a while, and go to school here." I replied.

"MATT! Back to work!" Hollared one of the other guys from outside.

"Well, I guess I better get back to work. I am sure I will see you around. Maybe at school, I hope." Then matt jogged out of the kitchen and through the front door. 

I stood in the kitchen for another minute and then I jogged up the stairs and into my room and flopped onto the bed, apple still unbitten in my hand. Wow, he said he hoped to see me in school. For the first time in years, I think I was actually excited to go to school. 

(picture I posted is Matt's character )

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