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My home room teacher Mr. Helmer introduced me to the class first thing. I saw Matt smiling at me a few rows back. Wow this was embarrassing.

"Alyssa, why don't you tell us about yourself?" Mr. Helmer said.

"Uh, well I'm living with my aunt Sarah."

"Okay, is that all you plan on saying? " asked Mr. Helmer with a strange look on his face.

"Yes, can I please sit?" Mr. Helmer nodded, as he watched me move to the second row and take a seat. I know I must have looked like a scared freak, but I didn't want everyone to know my life story.

"Okay then. Open your history books to chapter nine. We will be discussing the civil war."

"Hey, you ok?" Matt whispered over my shoulder.

I didn't know what to say. I bet he thinks I'm strange now or that I'm hiding something big. I'm not hiding anything really. What was there to hide. Before I came here, I was alone. I will probably end up still being alone because I had a hard time talking with people. I just want to vanish. Disappear.

"Um, hello.... " Matt questioned again.

"Yeah sorry. I'm fine. Just nervous I guess." I replied though I'm not sure if he believed me by the look he gave me.

Pity. I saw pity in his eyes. That is the last thing I wanted. That's how people use to look at me that knew my parents weren't ever around. Looks like I'm going to have to try and change that or it will be just like the way it was. I guess I cant keep hiding. I guess its time for me to make a change.

When I get out of school, I'll stop by Sarah's shop and see if mom and dad sent money yet for clothes and I'll go shopping. Its time for me to reinvent myself while I still have time.

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