One step forward

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I had made it through half the day at school. I had managed to stay somewhat under the radar and had only had to talk to a few people so far. It was lunch time so I headed to the cafeteria to grab a quick snack. I still didn't really know anyone so I was planning to head back to my locker after grabbing a snack to go.  

I stepped into the large noisy room. it smelled of lasagna and bleach. Well at least it was clean I suppose. I quickly walked up to the vending cart and grabbed an apple and a small milk. The cashier lady looked at me in a strange way as if to say that I needed more food than that to stay alive but she took my money and I scooted out of the way, heading back to the double doors. Just as I opened one of the doors I ran right into something and dropped my milk. "CRAP!" The something or should I say someone yelled. I blinked and looked in front of me to see a pretty blonde cheerleader glaring at me. " You better watch where you're going! You almost spilt that nasty milk of yours all over my uniform!" " Sorry" is all I could say as I quickly looked down and stepped out of the way. The blonde cheerleader and a group of her other cheerleader friends walked past me each taking turns glaring at me and then turning up their noses. I watched them until they all gathered at a table where there were already a group of guys talking about football. I watched as the one I had ran into leaned down and kissed one of the guys on the cheek. My heart sank a bit when I realized it was Matt's cheek she was kissing.

As I headed back to my locker, all I could think about is that I wanted to get out of this school and I wondered if Europe would have been a better choice. The rest of the day went by quickly, probably because I couldn't focus on anything except getting far away from this place as fast as possible. I had decided that I wouldn't stop by Sarah's shop today. The last thing I wanted to do was to go shopping by myself, alone... and perhaps risking running into one of those cheerleaders from school. I just wanted to go home .... well to Aunt Sarah's house and climb under my covers and hope I wake up somewhere else tomorrow.

The final bell rang and I hastily grabbed my bag and headed out of studyhall. I could see a group of cheerleaders half way down the hall, giggling at something. Before they had a chance to see me, I quickly turned and headed for the front exit.

As I opened the doors I could feel the warm sun hit my face. I was so glad to finally be outside. I stopped for a moment to remember the way back to Sarah's. I saw the long stretch of trees heading down the road and the way home came back to me easily. Only a little bit longer until I can collapse on my bed and cover my head with my blanket. Thank God.

 (picture I posted is of Matt's cheerleader girlfriend) 


Hi everyone!

sorry it has been so long since I've updated.

I haven't heard from anyone if this story is good or not so I'm unsure if I should continue or not. If you like it, please let me know. any thoughts or inputs would be great.

If I get responses that you guys like the story, then I will upload another chapter as soon as I can.

thanks everyone and happy reading!!!!

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