New home

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At midnight, I watched as the greyhound bus pulled up and stopped in front of me. I slowly stood up and gathered my things and climbed onto the dark bus. I found a seat in the middle of the bus that was empty. I sat down and placed my belongings near my feet and rested my head on the cool window. As the bus pulled away I couldn't help but be scared of what my life would become. I wondered if I would ever see my parents again, or if my Aunt Sarah would be glad I was coming. Did she even know I was coming? Would she pick me up at the bus stop? My mother and father told me nothing of what to expect. I think I was so shocked that this was all happening that I didn't even think to ask those important questions. As I sat wondering and feeling the rumble of the dark quiet bus, I finally fell asleep. 

"Miss? Miss? Is this your stop? the older bus driver asked as he softly tapped my shoulder.

" Where are we?" I mumbled, still partly asleep.

" Miss your bus ticket said Minden. Is that where you are suppose to get off?" he quietly asked.

"Oh! Yes, it is. I am sorry." I said shocked. I must have been asleep for hours. The driver wasn't the same as when I got on the bus so we must have stopped somewhere so they could change shifts. I looked at my watch and noticed it was 6 am.  A whole day had past and I slept through it.  How is that possible? Mental exhaustion, I guess. 

I quickly grabbed my things, making sure I had everything, and shuffled of the bus. I looked around, not sure what to expect. I didn't recognize anyone that was standing nearby,though I didn't remember what Sarah looked like to begin with. After looking around for a couple minutes I decided to sit on a bench and wait. I wasn't sure what I was waiting for exactly but hopefully someone came to get me. 

Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw a lady who looked to be in her early 30's with long brown hair and a pretty face and small smile. My aunt Sarah. As I looked into her eyes, I realized that I looked a lot like her. 

"Hi Alyssa. How was the trip?" she asked.

"Um, good. I slept." I said as I stood and gathered my things. 

"Good, Are you ready to go?" she asked.

"Yeah , I guess so. I don't have a choice" I said feeling uncomfortable.

As we drove down the highway on the outside of town I sat quietly, not sure what to say. It had been so long since I had seen her and I wasn't thrilled about this new life anyway.

" Alyssa, I know this is going to be different for you. I know that you were forced to make a decision about here or boarding school. I am glad you chose Minden. I want you to know that I am going to try and make this as easy on you as possible. You will have some rules to go by, but they aren't anything out of the ordinary.  I have to work today so you will have the house to youself to get use to it and unpack. I do have some workers working on the deck on the back of the house but they won't disturb you. Does that sound ok?"

"Yes, thanks. Thats fine. So When do I start school here?" I asked.

"When I run my errands today, I am going to run by the school and make sure they got your paperwork and if they did then you will start tomorrow."

As we turned onto a gravel road I could see the house that I vaguely remembered from last time I was here. It was a white, two story house with pretty blue shutters and lots of different flowers in the yard. Aunt Sarah pulled up in front of it and parked. She helped me get my suitcase out of the back of her black Ford Explorer. 

"Ok hun, your room is upstairs. It's the second door on the right. I have to head to work, and if you need anything my cell number is on the fridge"

"K, thanks. I'll be fine."

As she left I took my suitcase and purse upstairs and went into my room. It was a fairly large room. It was bright with blues, purples, and pinks. It has a queen size bed like I was use to and a nice wood desk in the corner, a dresser at the foot of the bed and a nightstand next to my bed.  It was a pretty room. I liked it. I put my suitcase up on my bed and started unpacking my things.

 (picture I posted is Aunt Sarah's Character)

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