One step back

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Walking home was relaxing. I found that it helped me clear my head. I pulled my mp3 player out and blasted my music in my ears. I walked to the beat of the music and hummed along to Pink. The trees were starting to bloom and I could smell the faint smell of lilacs in the air. As I rounded the last corner before the stretch to Aunt Sarah's house I felt a smile start to form on my face. I think if I can get past the insecurities of being new and unknown,  I could really like it here in Minden. It had a nice small town feel, and it was beautiful. 

Just then, I had a feeling that something was behind me. Between my blaring music and my wandering mind, I hadn't noticed the old pickup pulling up beside me. I turned and jumped with a start when I saw it. Saw him. 

Matt was smiling at me in his old Ford pickup as he inched along beside me. Through the open window he hollared at me. I pulled my earbuds out so I could hear him. 

"hey!" he said again.

"Hey." I said back with a feeling of nervousness wash over me. 

" You left in a hurry after school today. I was going to offer you a ride home. We are heading over to Sarah's place to work on the deck some more and I am meeting my dad and brothers there." 

"Yeah.... I didn't realize and I told Sarah I was fine with walking home."

"Oh, okay. Well do you want a lift the rest of the way? I know you are almost there but hey, I can save you a few extra steps." 

"Nah, that's ok. I can manage. Besides, what would you girlfriend think?" I asked. As soon as I asked that I felt sick. Why did I have to say that?

"Uh, I don't think she'd care. So you've met her, huh? " Matt asked. 

"yeah something like that" I stated.

"Hmmm, well I guess I will see you at the house then. You sure you don't want a lift? "

"Yeah I'm good."

As I watched Matt pull away, I put my earbuds back in my ears but decided I wasn't in the mood for music anymore. Why whould he think she wouldn't care if he gave me a ride? Is he nuts? She is evil! Maybe she puts on a good show for him, but I can see a snob from a mile away. 

 (picture I posted is Aunt Sarah's house) 

Fear Guarded HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora