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Thn Parth goes to Kostu nd says dnt worry nd enjoy the Prty thn Parth says to Sanyu

Parth: sweetheart cut the cake nd enjoy the party

Sanyu :he has fully ruined my prty nd u r saying to enjoy the prty how cn i forgot wht he had done to Kostu

Parth:relax dear forgot everythng tday is ur bday he had ruined ur bday bt what r u ding now u r also ruing it thn wht is the diff btw u and him

Sanyu: yup for sure i shld nt spoil our prty fr the sake of everyone thn everyone enjoy the party nd party comes to an end everyone goes but Kostu Vidushi and Parth remains at Sanyu's house bcos of late night , Parth nd Sanyu were talking at Sanyu's bedroom

Sanyu: how cn he do this to Kostu , i'm woried abt Kostu tht Rd doesn't do smthng bd to her , u shld call police and arest him untill he do smthng with Kostu

Parth: dnt thnk abt it we will thnk on it tomorow mrng nd i also thnk tht he will nt do smthng bd to Kostu

Sanyu: how cn be sure

Parth : i m nt sure i m jst saying , k now lets hv a sleep dont thnk abt him nd hv a beautiful slp

thn Parth was ging to his room

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