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    thn Sanyu says
Sanyu: i forgive u who had killed my bst frnd, who has killed his own feelings nd above tht all, my trust over u (sobbing) i ws jst saying again and again tht Parth cnt kill Kostu , he cant kill her bt all in vain u had fully brocke all my faith in u, u r saying me as ur bst frnd if u really mean ths thn u shld hv the guts to tl me abt ur feelings nd u dnt hv use me to save urslef by saying to Rd tht u wl do smthng to me nd tht girl my chldhood frnd Kostu also dnt had the guts to say the truth to me
Parth: bt Sanyu listen
Sanyu(in anger nd crying): dnt say anythng, whn i meet u i thnk i am the luckiest girl in ths world bt no i am the unluckiest girl i have found two frnds who had no guts to say true to me, u both hv cheated me
thn Rd jumps on Parth nd hitting nd saying "how dare u cry my Sanyu" thn all constable nd Sanyu try to stop randhir nd Sanyu saying "stop randhir he wl gt hs punishment in jail nd yo yo pls take Parth i dnt wnt to see his face jst take him away frm here" thn Rd goes frm thr in anger nd yo yo was taking Parth wth hm nd Parth ws saying "listnen to me Sanyu pls forgive me i cant live if u dnt frgive me" bt Sanyu didnt listen nd goes frm thr in anger nd yo yo takes Parth wth hm to jail. .

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