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thn Rd starts nd says

Rd:listen Yo Yo, whn me nd my frnds comes out of bar thy go to home bt i thnk to have a walk bt in my path thr comes Sanyu's house so i thnk to regret to her fr the incident tht hapened tht nt , so i reach Sanyu's room thr Sanyu ws sleeping i dnt wake up her nd i says to her that "Sanyu i m sry fr tht i do in ur bday prty bt wt can i do ,i luv u so much nd i gt so much angry whn Kostu says u dnt luv me , listen Sanyu i wl nt force u to luv me bt dnt say tht u dnt luv me tht hurts" thn i leave Sanyu sleeping nd ws ging thn thr comes Kostu's room whr i listen some voices i go in thr whr i see Kostu ws murdered nd Parth ws thr i dnt knw who hd killed her thn i ask to Parth
"Rd: wt happened
Parth: pls Rd dnt say ths to anyone tht i had killed Kostu
Rd: wt u hv killed Kostu nd hw do u thnk i wl nt tell ths to police nd Sanyu nd Sanyu shld know whom she luvs is nt a good guy
Parth: if u do ths i wl tell tht u hv done ths muRder nd u also knows tht everyone will believe me nt u nd Sanyu will hAtE u so go frm hr nd if u tl ths to police i wl do smthng bd to Sanyu
Rd: k i m ging so dnt say anythng to Sanyu nd i wl nt tl anythng to police so dnt do anythng to Sanyu"
by saying tht i goes frm thr fr Sanyu's sake ths iS the reason y i m nt telling u the truth nw i hv tld ths to u nd if somethng happend to Sanyu i wll nt leave u
Yo Yo: relax Rd nthng wl hapen to Sanyu
thn Yo Yo goes to remand room whr Parth ws fr further investigation

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