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    Thn Yo Yo reaches to the remand room nd says
Yo Yo: nw Parth say clearly y did u kill Kostu Rd has told me all the thng
Parth: wt he had said
Yo Yo tell all thngs to Parth wht Rd has said to him thn Parth says
Parth: nw u r beleving hm bfore ur frnd, listen Yo Yo he is telling a fake story
Yo Yo: y i dnt believe Rd nd believe u knwing tht every evidence is against u, y i every time, i give him 3rd degree torture not to u
Parth: wt u will give 3rd degree torture to ur frnd
Yo Yo:listen Parth in ths job thr is no frnd nd relative, thr is jst criminal or inocent nd if u nt tl th truth i have to give 3rd degree torture
Parth: truth is tht i hd nt killed Kostu nd he is teling a fake story
Yo Yo: pls say the truth r i have to take severe action
Parth: i had tell u the truth nd u cn do wtever u wnt to do
Yo Yo : ok
thn Yo Yo take Parth to 3rd degree torture room nd starts giving torture to him nd saying
Yo Yo: say the truth Parth say the truth
Parth(paining): i hd already said th truth
Yo Yo: pls say th truth Parth i dnt wnt to see u in ths pain
Parth(sobbing): i wl tl u truth bt please stop
Yo Yo stops th torture nd says
Yo Yo: say quickly
Parth: i wl tl u everythng bt first call Sanyu i wnt to confes in front of her
Yo Yo:ok
thn Yo Yo calls Sanyu 

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