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thn Parth ws brought thr thn Sanyu says
Sanyu:tell Parth tht u hd nt kill Kostu prove hm wrong
Parth:Sanyu, i hd killed Kostu
Sanyu:wt, u r saying ths in pressure na
Parth:in college, i Sanyu nd Vidushi are best frnds nd Kostu ws Sanyu childhood frnd. Me Vidushi nd Sanyu spent almost all time together in college bt whn tht frndshp turned into love we dont realize it, Sanyu luvs me bt i dnt luv her i luv Vidushi bt bfre i tl abt ths to Sanyu nd Vidushi ,Sanyu proposes me nd i cant say no bt i dnt say ys also, i say tht i want some time. Thn i meet Kostu Sanyu's bff nd i tl her to say Sanyu tht i dnt luv her i luvs Vidushi bt Kostu ws a traitor she says to Sanyu tht i luv Sanyu nd after tht i cnt say anthng to Sanyu because she was my bestfrnd so i make a relationship wth her killing my fellings after i kept my relationship with Sanyu bt i dnt interact much with Kostu bcoz i was so angry wth her
Sanyu: so fr jst ths u hd kill her
Parth:Sanyu i hv no intentions to kill her until tht nt came

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