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At same moment Rd's frnds Sahil nd Jiggy reaches police station says to Sanyunkta

J:pls Sanyunkta take bck ur statement Rd is innocent

Sahil:ys Sanyunkta he cant kill anyone , he luvs u, leave him Sanyunkta...

Sanyu: i will nt take my statement bck , i knw he has killed my bestest frnd Kostu

J: listen Sanyunkta

Sanyu interupting: no, i dnt wnt to listen any thng

Jiggy to Sahil: lets talk to Yo Yo

Sahil: ys we shld

Jiggy to Yo Yo: listen Yo Yo Rd is inocent

Yo Yo: go frm here Jiggy, investigation is in process

thn Yo Yo goes to investigation room and gives Rd 3rd degree torture

Yo Yo: jst say truth

Rd(crying): i hd nt killed her

Yo Yo : see Rd ths torture cn be so much dangerous fr u so just say truth

Rd(paining): if u ask me thousand times i will alws say i had nt killed her

thn Yo Yo takes a brk bt 3rd degree torture continuos

thn suddenly postmortum report of Kostu comes and it tells tht Kostu war murdered near around 4:00 am

thn Yo Yo calls Parth nd ask

Yo Yo: whn did u give Kostu water

Parth: around 2:30am

Yo Yo : ok go

thn Yo Yo tld to his constable to take phoneno details of lst nt of Sanyukta ,Parth, vidush, Sanyu's family members nd Rd

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