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Thn Yo Yo proceed to further phone details of othrs he, everyone was ok bt in Parth phone details he found tht his phone was around Kostu's room b/w 2:30 to 4:00am nd Yo Yo says
Yo Yo: bt Parth says tht he was jst b/w 2:30 to 2:45 in Kostu's room , so he was telling a lie bt why
thn Yo Yo goes to Sanyu's house where Parth was
thy were taking Parth thn Sanyu ask
Sanyu: wt r u ding
Yo Yo: Sanyukta ji let us do our work
Sanyu: bt Rd is guilty so y r u taking Parth
Yo Yo: no Rd is innocent
Sanyu: how
thn Yo Yo tells how Rd is innocent except tht abt phone recoRds, thn Sanyu says
Sanyu: bt tht does'nt prove tht Parth is guilty
Yo Yo: bt we have a evidence against him
Sanyu: i hv already told u tht Parth cant kill Kostu or anyone
Yo Yo: see Sanyu Parth is also my frnd nd ths is my duty so i have to do this
thn Parth says
Parth: u believes in me
Sanyu: ys bt
Parth:so dnt worry
Sanyu : k bt i m saying tht again Yo Yo tht Parth will be proved innocent mark my woRds
thn Yo Yo takes Parth wth hm to police station 

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